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              A huge thank you to MissJenniferCormier for designing my cover for me!!!

Even with the flashlight, Leon could hardly make out the dark figures at the end of the hall

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Even with the flashlight, Leon could hardly make out the dark figures at the end of the hall. They slowly moved forward, arms lagging at their sides, one leg dragging behind as they ambled on. They spotted the light, their eyes were greedy for new fresh flesh, his flesh. Cursing under his breath, Leon clicked the flashlight off and ducked around the corner, pressing his back to the wall.

Near as he could tell, there were three, maybe four of them heading his way. He held his breath, listening for them. Those fuckers were getting louder, getting closer. Despite not being able to see the small horde coming toward him, Leon kept his eyes peeled, making sure nothing else was around him. The last thing he wanted was to be overrun by them.

A quick peek around the corner showed him they were close. He snapped his head back and quietly pulled his gun out of its holster. He held the weapon up near his face, his finger on the trigger. It was now or never, if they drew any closer it was game over for him. Hoping there were enough bullets in the chamber, Leon stepped out from behind the wall, pointed the gun straight ahead, aiming at one of them. His finger pulled the trigger and the shot rang through the hallway.

He fell with a thud.

The second shot rang and then the third. Both zombies collapsed to the ground, trails of blood and brains leaking out from underneath their heads. With his gun still drawn, Leon stepped over the dead and moved forward. Broken glass and shell casings crunched underneath his feet as he carefully trod down the hallway. His blue eyes swung from side to side as hoped and prayed he was alone, if only for a moment. The chief's office was mere feet away from him now.

The sounds of heavy footsteps and chains rattling made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. They rang loudly, echoing off the walls in the hall that was quiet mere seconds ago. Leon stopped in his tracks and looked over his left shoulder. In dim of the gun smoke, he could make out the large figure. Arms at his sides, hands balled into fists as he strode toward him, looking to spill Leon's blood all over the floor.

He turned and made a run for the door. With his gun in one hand, Leon fumbled for the doorknob with the other. He turned the knob and pushed, but nothing happened. To his utter horror, the door was locked. He turned in time to see him stepping through the smoke as if a villain from old Western movies and come straight at him.


Leon tried to duck underneath his arms and make another run for it, but the normally slow and imposing bastard was quick to grab Leon. His thick hand wrapped around his throat, lifting Leon off the ground with ease. His gun slipped from his hands, clattering to the floor and landing next to the Tyrant's feet.

His screams came out choked as he struggled against the Tyrant. Try as he might, Leon was unable to break free. This was it. It was all over, he wouldn't find out what happened or be able to put a stop to whatever the hell was going on. His eyes were closing and drifting open as he struggled. His punches were growing weaker, his feet that were kicking were coming to a complete stop. His throat hurt and his lungs were on fire. Leon made one more attempt to gasp for air, but the room around him was growing darker.

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