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Ive met and gone through so many boys in my years that when i met him my perspective of "love" changed. Befor him i thought about marrying what ever boy i was dateing at the time. Claiming love for something so temporary is just what the human race has come to belive as normal. Not him. When i met him a new point of veiw was shed to light on love. I noticed that all of this "love" is just based apon the perspective of the one claiming love. For example what one person may consider love the other may precive it as just sex and nothing more. Love to me is stareing into the eyes of my prince charming and seeing that i will always be with his soul whether or not he is with mine. Love to me is kisses filled with not lust or craving for more but just the simple joy of being with that person. Love to me is not asking a girl out then that same day blurting out i love you as a goodbye with no meaning to the words you speak except blind lust and the need to feel wanted. How do you know your ready to say it? Good question.. ive asked my self this many many times and after being with him i figured it out. After fights and seeing your significant other at their worst and knowing that your feelings didnt lessen any or after akward dates with spilled soda and food fights. Aproching them with heartfelt eyes and a loving tone to be able to say the three words and know that they have true, deep meaning is when you are ready. Although ive seen love, felt it and experienced it i also know that love can be a wavering factor of life. You can lose love as easily as a grain of rice in a dessert. I belive love is just as alive as you and me, and because of that it needs to be cared for and rekindled every once in a while to keep the fire going. Kindled by small things like bringing her flowers and cooking a nice breakfast for him. Just small things like this are needed to keep love alive and well. Id like to tell you that this is how my story gose but it is indeed not that simple at all. My story is filled with heartbreak and lust and love and let me tell you right now its a bumby ride.

Yassss hehe my first storyyy
Woop!! woop!!

I am so sorry that it is short
But this is just the intro to a story far more intricate

If you see any spelling errors please feel free to notify me of them

Sorry this A/N is boreing haha
My name is max and
ThAnK YoU FoR ReAdInG mY sToRy!!!!!!

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