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"Ow, bitch you stepped on my foot! Why the fuck are you wearing heels?" Serena hissed.

We were at my house once again getting ready for Mike's party. He told us during lunch that there'd be another party tomorrow night since his parents wouldn't be back until Monday.

"They're heeled boots, not stilettos!" Blair corrected Serena.

"Well whatever they are, they fucking hurt! I'm only wearing socks at the moment," Serena whined.

"Both of you just shut up," I laughed. My makeup was my everyday look and my hair is curled loosely. I was wearing a black t-shirt dress, a leather jacket, and black thigh high boots from Steve Madden. Nate was still picking me up, but the girls invited themselves over, so it'll be a surprise to him.

*Ding* *Ding*


Nate: Be over in 10! You ready?

I quickly checked the time '8:50' and decided I was ready.

Me: ya! but change of plans, the girls are riding w us ://

Nate: Damn, thanks for the heads up 😒

Me: if you have a problem, go by yourself 😘

Nate: I'd rather go with three beautiful girls 😉

Before I could respond, Blair snatched my phone and read through the conversation.

"Well shit," She winked. "Was it just supposed to be you guys? Oops, looks like we ruined Nate's plans, Serena!" She joked.

"Oh please," Serena tossed her hair over her shoulder.

"Lily! Nate's here!" Shawn called.

"You guys finished?" I asked, grabbing my phone back from Blair. They nodded and we headed downstairs. Nate and Shawn were standing by the door, waiting.

"Shawn's riding with us, too." Nate slung an arm over his shoulder.

"Why didn't you just ask the guys to pick you up?" I laughed.

"Why didn't the girls just drive themselves?" Shawn retorted. I narrowed my eyes at him but laughed.

"Alright, alright" Nate laughed. "Let's go."

"I call shotgun!" I ran out as Nate opened the front door.

"Bitch nobody else was going to call it!" Serena laughed.

I flipped her off, and she made a kissy face at me in return.

Nate unlocked his car and I hopped in immediately.

"Eager?" Nate laughed as he started the car.

"You have no idea," I giggled. "I need to forget about some shit."

"Lucky for you I'll be helping you forget," He winked.

"You're such a dork," I laughed, shoving his shoulder.

"Okay, you two. Stop flirting and let's go!" Blair hurried.

Nate chuckled, backing out of the driveway and heading to Mike's. The drive was full of laughter and loud music. Not to mention our intentionally bad singing. About 20 minutes later, we arrived to the party and it did not seem to crazy, yet.

Serena and Blair practically jumped out of the car, leaving Shawn, Nate and I to find parking.

"Give it half an hour and they'll be shit faced." I stated casually, looking back down at my phone.

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