Chapter 6: Turning in

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Ferris sat on the edge of the mall roof, gazing out at the horizon, trying to see the ravine where she had first flown in an ambulance. She had many memories at this mall, related to both Ferris and the Sorceress. It was where she and her friends often went after school to shop, play demo video games, see movies, and sometimes just hang out and waste time. It was also where she had had multiple dealings with the MGOs. In the food court, she had declared her one woman war against the entire Magical Government. In the parking garage, she had evaded several highly trained MGOs by casting her first phasing spell in a combat situation, and leading them on a high speed broom chase. Many encounters had occurred since then, Ferris skills as the sorceress steadily growing along the way. It was because of this, that Ferris felt it fitting that her final meeting with the MGOs would happen atop the very building where their first had occurred.
A week ago, she felt that she might be able to take on the whole magical government without breaking a single sweat. Evidently, the Magical Government also felt that way as nearly every single one of their officers was now floating, invisible above her. Ferris could sense them of course. Even without her wand, her self taught training still remained effective enough to recognize the signature of magic. Perhaps when this is over, I can provide logistical support for the Variants. The thought filled her with sadness. She had already ceased referring to herself as a Variant. Let's just get this over with.

Above her, no less than a hundred MGOs sat, perched upon their brooms. Mary, who had stored up a vast amount of magical energy was cloaking them all, so that they could save their power for the ensuing fight. "Hurry up already, will you?!" Mary growled through gritted teeth, "I can't hold this up for much longer." "In a minute," said Fred, placatingly, "I just have to redirect a few more blanksols away." All of the invisible witches and invisible wizards steadied their invisible wands on their invisible broomsticks, preparing for one of the most massive assaults in magical history.

Ferris took out the stick she had carved into a wand on her way here. It might not fool them forever, but it would at least give them cause for hesitation. In that hesitation Ferris could explain her situation to them: that she no longer had her powers and was therefore not a threat to them. That they were to leave her and her friends alone, or she would expose their entire operation. Additionally, that erasing her mind would be useless as she had programmed a mass email, detailing everything Ferris knew about the magical government into her computer set to send if she did not issue a command to halt it within the next 24 hours. This second part was of course a bluff. Ferris was okay with computers, but she was not that smart. Her plan was not water-tight, but she was counting on the MGO's lack of understanding of blanksol technology to cause enough fear to cloud their judgment and make them believe it could be the truth. Afterwards, she would part ways with the MGOs permanently telling them that if they won't deal with the witch who stole her wand, the Variants would.

"Ok, that's the last one convinced he left the stove on." Said Fred, "Everyone, get ready." "We are ready, you idiot." Growled a wizard named Harold over the magic com web Fred was coordinating, "We just need you to say when." "Fine then, NOW!" And with that, all hundred or so invisible MGOs soared down at Ferris, their wands charged and ready to fire spells, curses, jinxes, and whatever else would be needed to take the Sorceress down. But suddenly, a tanned hand came shooting up from over the edge of the roof, grasping onto the side. And suddenly, Ferris was no longer alone. "Abort!" yelled Fred, "Blanksol witness! Blanksol Witness, Abort!" And with a rush of wind, the invisible MGOs came to an invisible stop.

"Windy up here, isn't it." Said Josh, heaving himself up the ladder. "Josh, what the hell are you doing here?!" Ferris demanded, "Well clearly it wasn't to hear a thank you." Said Josh plopping Ferris' backpack down on the roof. "Leave now." "Hey, if anyone around here has the right to be mad, it's me!" Josh snapped, "Do you have any idea how hard it is to lug two fifty pound backpacks up three stories of broken escalators and then up a ladder on top of all of that?" Josh comported himself wiping sweat off his forehead, "I mean it would be hard if I weren't super buff." Despite how miserable Ferris was feeling, Ferris couldn't help but snigger.
"What?" asked Josh, sounding slightly offended that Ferris had not taken his comment seriously. Ferris' thoughts turned abruptly back to the army hidden above her. She didn't have to fight them right now. She could take advantage of their secretive nature to postpone it. But then again, what's keeping them from just stunning Josh and erasing my memory. Then it hit her: with all of her previous threats of what she would do if they harmed any of her friends, they were afraid of provoking her wrath. Ferris couldn't help but feel pride at her past self. So much power, that even when it's gone it still keeps on scaring people.

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