Locked Away

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May 12th, 7:48 pm, Thursday

That was the day it happened
The day mother let me see the world
The day I discovered why we were kept locked away

Let's go back a bit

It's a Monday two years before it happens

Ariana is sat on the ground playing with her little brother Luis
Raina sits next t her sowing a stuffed bunny for their other sister Rose who is sitting in her crib with a stuffed butterfly toy 

The other 20 children are out picking flowers for the ceremony
Mother was bringing in another child to their home
Two in fact
A boy and girl, twins

They don't have names yet
But she hopes they get pretty names

Every time a baby is brought to the home all the younger kids pick flowers and arrange them into a circle in front of the gate that leads into their lovely home

The flowers then split into a path leading to their new cribs which are covered in flowers and other such plants
And all the kids sing the welcome home song

Ariana got up from where she was sitting
Hoping to get a cup of milk before it was time for bed
It was around 7:00 pm which meant in 30 minutes it would be time to sleep
They were never allowed to be awake past 7:30 pm

It was when all the gates opened and mother traveled to the outside world
She said if anything were to get into the home they could be in danger so it was best to stay asleep

She listened to mother of course
Mother only had their best interest in mind

The younger kids always wanted to stay up but mother never allowed them to

It was approaching 7:20 and all the kids ran to their rooms and put on their pajamas
They snuggled into bed and mother gave everyone a goodnight kiss

At 7:30 everyone including Ariana was sound asleep,
Mother left the safety of home to gather supplies needed for the children

And in the morning she woke everyone for breakfast and the days repeated again and again
The babies grew closer and closer to arrival
And on May 11th the twins, Olivia and Orion were born
They had golden blond hair and shiny green eyes
The ceremony commenced and the babies were brought home
But something else decided to tag along

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