Chapter 39🥀

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I said Im going to take a break from writing but here I am🤣. To all your comments I really Appreciate it!💜😭Thank you so much for caring!I love You Guys!😭💜

 To all your comments I really Appreciate it!💜😭Thank you so much for caring!I love You Guys!😭💜

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Third Person POV

Jungkook made his way to sit beside Taehyung,If you will ask him about it,He is the happiest man alive right now. But the thing is he has to make a move slowly because He knows that the memory at the past is still fresh at Taehyung's mind because of how he acted last last night. So right now he is doing his best not to make Taehyung un-comfortable

Time passes by,Jungkook can feel his eyes getting heavy so he decided to take a nap but before he close his eyes he took a glance at Taehyung who is busy staring outside the window

On the other side Taehyung is admiring the clouds outside the window,He couldn't help but to smile as he sees that the skies are now turning into dark orange Which is a sign that the sun is now setting.

He slowly looked at Jungkook who is sleeping beside him,He is staring deeply into Jungkook's Face,He couldn't help but to smile a little while looking  at Jungkook's big nose and his mouth which is now showing his bunny teeth.Then realization hits Taehyung as he stopped himself from smiling so he look away but His eyes also started to get heavy so he also took a nap just like Jungkook

Hours later they reached at their destination.Jin is the first one to wake up when they landed,He glance at Namjoon who is still sleeping beside him,to wake him up,Seokjin slowly shake his shoulder

"Namjoonie wake up!we are here"Jin said then he stood up to wake the others up,He first went to Taehyung and Jungkook

"Omg I need to take a picture of this!"Jin said as he chuckled while looking at  the two in front of him

Taehyung's head was resting on Jungkook's shoulder, while Jungkook's hand was wrapped around Taehyung despite the thing between them

Jin smiled as he is satisfied at the photo he took before putting his phone back to his pocket,He decided to wake them up by shouting at Jungkook's Ear

"WAKEEEE UP!"And that made Jungkook to jolt up and make Taehyung whine a little before he slowly move away from Jungkook who is glaring at Jin

"Jin Hyung!"Jungkook said still glaring at Jin while holding his ears

"Sorry But you guys need to get ready now!We just landed and Its already 7:34 pm!" Jin said before going to Hoseok and Yugyeom's seat

"Did you have a nice sleep?"Jungkook asked to Taehyung as he stood up to get Taehyung's Bag and giving it to him before going to get his own bag

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