October 13, 2014

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"..for God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and love and of self-discipline." -2 Timothy 1:7

        Yesterday, Oct.12 is my first week of stay here in Nagaokakyo,Japan, together with my team. I've never been this far from my family. Never been thousand miles away from home. Everynight when it's quiet and all that's left was me in my huge room, I feel can feel the homesickness and loneliness. I have a lot of worries. Yet, I don't know why I'm really here aside from the fact that I need to complete my training. I am still wondering what is God's purpose for me in here.

        That is the same experience I am going through with the Lord. For the past months, I never felt to be so far from HIM. Yes, I walked away from HIM. Moreover, just like my family way back home, I know the Lord is just waiting for me to come back to HIM.To come home in HIS arms where I belong.

        I have a lot of fears and worries, now I know that it is the effect of being detached from our Father in heaven. As I try to meditate the verse from 2 Timothy, the Lord wants me to be strong and full of faith in HIM. I know I will never be alone as long as I HE is here in my heart.

           I would always pray to the Lord to please wait for me until I come home and I know HE is guiding me on my way.

This is a personal journal of mine that I want to share to anybody who may read this in the future. God bless us all :)

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