Seiken Onmyojin

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The soulid that Liem after is possessed her brother's body. That's why she thinks she couldn't manage to defeat him, or is he really that strong?

How can Nhazul and his friends defeat him?

Let's see what will happen next on this part..



"Your brother?!", responded Rebecca and Ghoza to get to know the soulid that Liem pursuit was her brother.

"Is he really strong? Or it's just you who's going easy on him?", Mera was asking Liem.

"That's..", Liem couldn't really answer that question.

"Just because he's your brother, you think you can't hurt him?! Don't make me laugh! If he got possessed by the other soul, that won't be easy to cast it out! You have to fight him properly, no matter what!", added Mera.

" That's not easy to do that, ya know! Especially if he's the dearest one!", Ghoza tried to be on Liem side.

" Hehh!! So you prefer to wait him to be overtaken by that soulid while you let him kill you in process?!", responded Mera to Ghoza theory.

" That's not what I meant... Can ya just exorcist him right away without a fight?", asked Ghoza.

" You mean repelling it without decreasing its power first?! That can do, if it was just a weakling soul! But if it's not, you mean to ask me to die in first time at beginning of the battles!!", explained Mera.

" Huh?! What do ya mean?", asked Ghoza as he had no idea what Mera was saying.

"He probably mean, that spell requires so much energy to be cast, doesn't it?", Liem gave her opinion about that.

" Yeah, kind of it!", confirmed Mera.

"Oh I see... So that won't work, huh?!", responded Ghoza.

" Alright! How about we start to move right now?! I've been itching to fight him now!", said Mera as he stood up from his chair.

"Wait a moment! There one other thing that I want to ask you!", Liem stopped Mera, she seemed like to ask something serious.

"Huh!? What's it?!", Mera was asking.

"You mentioned it before, that the person who had been possessed by soulid won't be easy to be free unless that soulid has casted out, then, how about you?! With this man, Nhazul?", said Liem to give her question to Mera.

That question somehow, made Rebecca and Ghoza be in interesting. They were focus to wait the answer from Mera. But Mera started to Laughing.

"Gahaha... Too bad! I'm not answering tha kind of question!", said Mera as he moved toward the fence of that balcony cafe, then jumped over it to get out from that cafe.

"He did it again!", said Ghoza.

"Come on hurry up! Before he's getting further!", said Rebecca as she immediately ran to the downstairs and after Nhazul who had possessed by Mera.

But Liem just spaced out there. She didn't believe with what she saw just now.

"What are ya doin?! Let's go!!", Ghoza asked Liem to catch up with Rebecca and Nhazul.

"D-did he just jump from second floor to the ground?", said the confused Liem to Ghoza.

" What?! Oh! It's just from the second floor! Come on! Hahaha..", said Ghoza while he was laughing on confused face of Liem, and then he grabbed her hand and dragged her up to quick run to catch up with Nhazul and Rebecca.

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