Leafy walked into the center of the forest, sighing. She had been thinking about Firey all day, but she didn't know why. She missed the old days... years ago. When they'd been amazing friends, when they didn't have to care about any stupid things... Why did I have to steal dream island from him? now almost everyone hated her. Even her own teammates seemed like they hated her. It's not like she hadn't expected everyone to hate her, she just wished they didn't. I was so stupid... Nobody had even cared when she rejoined. Except for Firey. Why? He used to act like he didn't know her... Now basically everyone knew they were friends. But why would he risk his reputation like that? And why didn't he hate her? When she stole dream island, she stole something he had worked for so long to get- 2 years. They'd battled for 2 years. She looked up at the sky. She wished she could hug him and tell him how sorry she was for everything- but if she even tried to touch him, she'd die. And she hadn't seen any yoyoleberries for years. Then she heard something- footsteps? "Leafy?" she heard a familiar voice. Oh, Firey.
"Why are you here?" She asked as he walked over to her.
"Oh, i was looking for you.." He said, sitting next to her. "I need to tell you something."
"What is it?" She looked at him. His face was bright pink. Was he.. Blushing?
He looked away from Leafy. "Leafy, we've been friends for awhile... and.. I've started to like you more than that.. As in, love."
(lmao my man just done said it straight up)
Leafy stared in shock. "W-why? You should hate me at this point- after what i did, after stealing dream island- Why would you love me? Everyone else hates me, so why don't you?"
He looked at her. "I couldn't. I'll be honest, i tried to hate you, but i couldn't. And pretending i didn't know you- that was so difficult.. I wanted to talk to you, but I thought everyone would hate me too. I was dumb, and i'm sorry.."
(E N D. also, off topic, but i headcanon that firey cries magma. It would just make a lot of sense honestly. Also, about fireafy fanchildren... how. If they even hugged leafy would die, you fools. I also almost gave up on this, but obviously didn't- i really couldn't, since it was a request anyway. This didn't take very long, so yeah.)

BFB oneshot requests!
FanfictionThe only things i wont do are Character x Reader and NSFW. i can only do BFB oneshots, it's the only object show i watch. COVER ART IS NOT MINE!