Chapter IV

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Miyuki woke with a start. 

The first thing he noticed was that someone had put a blanket on him while he was asleep. He must have been shivering, either from the cold, or...

From the future that awaited him. 

Was this a prophetic dream? Did Miyuki even believe in such things? He wasn't sure anymore. 

He reached with his right hand to the night stand, touching every surface in the dark, looking for something that felt like his phone. Sure enough, he found it. Clicking a button on the left side of the screen, light flashed before his eyes.

He frowned as he watched the dimly-lit screen. Not only was it four in the morning on a school day, but also... 3 missed calls from shinomiya kaguya

He sat straight, made sure to reread the words gleaming red in the middle of a blue serene sea background. The sound of his heartbeats tore through the silence that embraced his dark room, and Miyuki realized, for the first time in his life, that he had never been called by a girl before.

However, Shinomiya was not just any girl. Her pride would never let her call him first unless something urgent happened. 

Shirogane looked at the timing of the calls. One hour ago. How come didn't he hear his phone ring? Why didn't she send a text telling him to call her as soon as he read that message? What in the world happened?

As if on cue, Miyuki heard the familiar vibration, glanced at the notification box, and there it was.

The message. Exactly what he wanted. 

Things are getting weirder and weirder. 

He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart, and tapped the inbox icon.

That night, Miyuki couldn't remember the last time he read someone's text that fast.

New text message: Shinomiya Kaguya.

Dear President,

I could not reach you at this hour of the night, but I suppose you were sound asleep. It's okay, I wouldn't want to wake you. 

I just wanted to say thank you. And I'm sorry. Do you ever wonder what would have happened if we didn't have that conversation a year and a half ago? I still remember how we both said we will make the other fall in love. Perhaps that conversation should have never happened in the first place. But perhaps...perhaps we weren't meant to be. 

Thank you, President, for everything you have taught me.

I wish the absolute best for you. 

Good bye, shirogane-san.  

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