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you two met in a grocery store. he accidentally bumped into you, when he was on his way to pay the things, that he held in his hands. but obviously, they fell to the ground. „oh- sorry," you said quitely, with your eyes pinned to the ground, so you didn't see, who is in front of you. „it's alright. it's my fault," he smiled and after that, he started to pick up his things from the ground. and of course, you helped him. you were not looking at him, but when he, mistakenly, touched your hand, you looked up and when you saw, who is the person, that bumped into you, you stayed silent for a long moment. „is everything okay?" he asked and a little smile was on his face. you were speechless. robert plant bumped into you. ROBERT FUCKING PLANT! „y-yeah," you said quietly and robert chuckled softly. „darling, it's alright, it's my fault, and you don't have to apologize, okay?" he smiled. you were soooooooooo nervous. but to be honest...who wouldn't be nervous? „um...y-yeah, okay," you whispered and your eyes were pinned to the ground again. robert looked at you with beautiful smile, he took your chin between his thumb and index finger and then, he carefully lifted your chin so you could look him in the eyes. „i know that this is not comfortable to you, but...i just want to say, that you don't have to apologize for that. it is my fault, that i bumped into you," he said and looked into your eyes. „sometimes, we apologize for something, that we don't have to. we think, that it is our fault, but no, it is not," you were just standing there, in front of him, with goosebumps all over your body. „so please, take this as an apology," he said after a moment of silence and handed a led zeppelin concert ticket to you. you looked at the ticket and you just shook your head. „n-no, i can't take this," you whispered. you thought, that robert is joking or something, because not every single celebrity gives their concert tickets to strangers. robert just chuckled after a moment. „just take it. i would be really glad, if you could come,"
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you two met in your first year of high school. you were just sitting in your classroom, listening to the sound of ticking clocks and waiting for the bell to ring. but after a moment, jonesy came into the classroom. your eyes were suddenly JUST on him. his beauty was beyond compare. his light brown hair was shining, same as his beautiful blue eyes, that were looking all over the classroom. „um..hello. sorry for bothering you, but can i sit there next to you? i don't want to sit alone and you look like a nice person to me, you know," he whispered shyly. TO YOU. you were lost in your thoughts, so you just shook your head and looked up at him. „pardon, can you repeat it?" you said and your eyes were scanning his goddamn perfect face. he shyly chuckled and smiled. „can i sit next to you?" he repeated with a smile on his face. your heart skipped a beat. „umm, of c-course," you slightly smiled and jonesy, with smile on his face too, sat next to you. and that was the beginning of inseparable friendship. and then, perfect relationship.
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you two met at guitar lessons, when you were young (you were fourteen and jimmy was sixteen). you were late for your first guitar lesson in new school. you had social anxiety and you were like- really, really, really nervous. your hands and legs were trembling and your eyes were pinned to the ground the whole time. when you were standing in front of the door, you were dranched in cold sweat. you deeply inhaled and exhaled and then, you slowly opened the door. „oh- miss (y/n)," the teacher said and crossed his arms over his chest. „where have you been?" he asked. you were standing in front of the whole class and your anxiety level was quickly rising. „i-i'm s-sorry...i-," „say no more and take a seat." the teacher said little bit angrily. you just slowly nodded, closed the door behind you and then slowly came to the desk, where jimmy was sitting. „you can sit there next to me, if you want to," he whispered and smiled a little bit. „um...y-yeah, t-thanks," you whispered back and slowly sat next to jimmy, who was worriedly looking at you. you just took your notebook, pen and put on your hood. „is everything alright?" jimmy whispered after a long time of silence. you nodded and after that, you looked down again. jimmy was still looking worriedly at you. „i know, that you are new here and you may be little bit nervous, but i just want to let you know, that you can trust us. we aren't bad people or something like that. we are students just like you," he said quietly and you looked up at him. „and by the way, i'm jimmy. jimmy page," he smiled. you were kinda confused by his behavior, because you've never met someone as kind and beautiful as him. you smiled at him after a moment. „i'm (y/n) (y/l/n)," you whispered with a little smile on your face. you knew, that this boy will be there for you.
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you two met at the bar. john was sitting there, he was drinking whiskey and looking all over the whole bar. you were working as a barmaid, so of course, he was looking at you too. you were cleaning dirty glasses, and you were not paying attention to other things, until john made eye contact with you. and you knew who it was. everyone knew that, because- who didn't know led zeppelin? john was looking at you shyly, but he had a little smile on his face. "umm..do you need something?" you asked and your eyes were just blessed by the goddamn perfect creature, that was looking at you. he just shooked his head. „no, I guess," he said and he was still looking at you. to be honest, you were kinda confused, but on the other side, you were so happy, that this beautiful man is looking at you. JUST ON YOU. „okay, but, if you need something, just tell me," you smiled and then, you were paying attention to the things, that you needed to finish. ---- after you finished the work, john wasn't there anymore. nobody wasn't there anymore. you were just looking around and cleaning stuff, you know. but then, you saw something. just a little piece of paper. „what is that?" you said quietly to yourself. and after a moment of thinking, you took the paper and then, you opened it. there was just a telephone number. telephone number and under that, was name of the one and only...