When the points are tiny

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If you did not see af2 then I recommend you go play it then come Bacc and read this cuz it based off of its storyline and I will NOT say this again in this mini series

You have been summoned but then when ya saw Cyalm-
You can't help but laugh
Cyalm:star savior I'm not that small-
You pick up Cyalm and chuckle
Cyalm:Star savior put me down-
(Y/N):awww what a baby uwu
Cyalm proceeded to attack you as you were chained till ya got to da next door

He also smol
You could not help but pick him up
Shallare tried to slapp ya
But he had bb hands so-
That don't work but you just put em down and collect stars and stuff

You heard jazz music,then once ya look up ya saw signol somehow playing instruments twice his size
You are confusion
He spot you
(Y/n):how the-
*signol shrugged and you collect stuff

You could barely see him cuz of da white snow burning your eyes
You then felt something on you and turned and saw Compale
Compale:uhhh you nearly stepped on me?
(Y/n):oh sorry- also why are you guys so freaking tiny??
Compale just looked at you,then left ya to collect stuff
Once you were at da boss battle,he just dropped piles of snow on you after he noticed he barely was doing damage
Cuz he is tiny

(That it for now I will do da other parts later -w-

Af2 (adventure forward 2) stuff idk -w-Where stories live. Discover now