Meeting the Avengers

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You were on a stake out after hearing a possible jail break in the nearby area you thought this was just going to be some random thugs so you could easily take them on whilst hanging around on a roof you hear an explosion turning you head towards the explosion in the direction of the jail you begin running throwing rocks in front of you expanding their size making a walkway for yourself
You hit the jail you fly a small drone in to scout the area but the visual is scratchy and the audio is unintelligible so you decide to head moving cautiously turning your head around a corner seeing the red skull he isn't much of a threat so you turn the corner saying "you get lost little boy" red skull turns to say "I was hoping the avengers would show up but I guess we'll just have to kill you instead" before you could even think Loki and MODOK turn the corner standing behind red skull before any moves are made you toss a rock in their direction expanding it trapping MODOK against the wall Loki rushes at you with his sceptre you dodge him throwing a punch but it passes right through him you feel a sharp pain on your arm and see that Loki has cut your arm leaving a deep gash but it doesn't stop you right before you were going to throw some water at Loki the Avengers drop into the fight including Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Thor and the beautiful Black Widow you caught yourself staring at black widow for a bit but snapped back to the fight when MODOK was free and threw the rock back at you but you ducked under it iron man said to you "get outta here kid we got this" but you weren't gonna leave this fight you shook your head adamant to stay
It was toward the end of the fight we had them on the ropes so Thor left to take Loki back to Asgard and Iron man was down Hulk and Hawkeye were fighting MODOK and Captain America was pinned down inside the building by HYDRA so that left Y/N and Black Widow to fight Red Skull you moved in on Red skull landing a punch on him followed by black widow going in for a kick but he stepped out of the way and she landed pretty badly on her ribs with the roof above her crumbling you landed a few blows on Red Skull knocking him down as the roof finally gave in going to crush Black Widow you went to try and grab the ceiling losing more and more blood in your arm you moved it saving Black Widow but you ended up passing out

I'll be realising another part basically a part 2 soon so stay tuned if there is anything u want comment it and I'll try to squeeze it in the story

Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now