First attempt

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Occured on 9/13/2020

This is my first experience and what I would do better next time I attempt it.


So I tried the raven method which is just essentially just laying flat on your bed and counting very slowly to a hundred. You can choose to script before or during the shifting, but I did it as I was lying there.

I slowly started to shift to what I imagined would be an easy reality to recreate which was the My Hero Academia world. As I started to count to a hundred, every three numbers or so, I'd say a sentence in my script and it went kinda like this. I chose to start my ideal body and wellbeing.

My description when choosing how I looked was similar yet ideal to how I already looked.
I described myself with sentences such as these:
- I'm 17
- I have caramel skin
- I'm 5'0
- I have an hourglass figure (ideal)
- I have a mix of red and black hair
-I wear glasses
- I'm the most beautiful girl in class 1A (ideal)
- My quirk is Entertainment (ideal)
- Im part of the big three in class 1A (ideal)

Then I chose my overall environment. I'll describe how I chose my wellbeing and safety when scripting. I used sentences such as these:
- I'm safe in this world
- I cannot be traumatized by nothing in this reality
- Villians will not attack UA or near it's vicinity
- I will not be hurt in missions

Then I described my social life with sentences like:
- Im part of the Dekusquad
- My best friend is Izuku
- Katsuki has a crush on me
- Jirou also has a crush on me
- Shoto is also my best friend
- Mineta respects me

My actual experience while counting was really interesting. As I layed on my bed, I felt like a heaviness overcome me. Like someone put a heavy blanket on my body. My heart rate picked up too. I felt my lips stick to my teeth because of the heaviness. I could start feeling like I was about to shift. Can't quite explain how I knew, but I just did.  Unfortunately, it was quite hard to concentrate because I could hear my family walking around and talking and such.

What I would change about my approach

I would definitely physically script my reality before trying to shift instead if doing it at the same time. I forgot important details and specifics that in hindsight would have made the reality better. Such as:
- More appearance detail
    - As it says, more defining details about how I look like and possibly my personality.
- Explanation of my quirk
    - This is important because I consider it to be pretty unique
- Personal background
    - I need a backstory to how I got into UA and why. Can't just appear out of nowhere
- Living arrangements
    - I didn't think about it at all. Do I live with family? In the dorms? Could've ended up homeless if I didn't choose.
- Economic background
    - How to I afford things? Do I have transportation? Food? WiFi? Cellphone?
- Relationships with others
    - Am I popular? Am I friendly? How do others view me?
- Etc...

I would also untilize subliminal audios bcuase my family was annoying asf durinng this ordeal. Could not concentrate on probably shifting. Had I done so, maybe I could have shifted on my first try.

Ask me questions and I'll try to get back to it via dms, commenting, or making a separate chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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