Fujin x fem reader Kidnapped

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This was a request from @halumaiden

To be honest I just wanted to try something different and more interesting so here it is
It's a bit of a mature part

I woke up in a dark room
"Hmm" although I couldn't talk my mouth was tied up with something that smelled like rust and blood...how gross

I try to move but I couldn't to no surprise
I was tied there as well but it was to some Metal thing

It looked like a fighting club of some sort
Smells like one beer,weed,blood, sweat, and sad low life's

For once I was actually scared
Who knows what they will do to me...only if Fujin was here

"Ah there you are love"
I look up to see a man with a red eye on his left "here" he pulled the rope down onto my neck
Why do I feel like I've seen this guy before

"what do you want from me"
"We want answers"

I looked to my right and the door opened up to reveal 3 Men all at least 5 to 6 foot

"You have the wrong girl"

"Nah love we don't fujin is what we want now where is he"

I gave him a look of seriously???
"He's a god you can't kill him"
"Thats where you wrong you can kill a god it's just a bit hard"

He gets on one of his knees "now we can do this the easy way or the hard way and I think me and the boys would love to spend some time with you"

He gave a good look at my body then back up to me

I feel disgusted

"Now tell us where he is"

"Even if I do tell you...it's not like I know where he is anyways not like I would tell a scumbag like you where he is"

"Listen girly down here we don't care what it takes to make someone talk"

"Kano...I've seen you before"

"Oh we have a long time ago but that's not what I'm here for no I'm here for your lover boy"

I blush a bit "he's not my lover boy.."

Kano laughed "why else do you think we got you here we both know that you know where fujin is"

I need time to think of how to get out of here kano sure like the sound of his voice for how much he talks

I have a big feeling that fujin is looking for me I was with him last night and now I'm just gone

I need time

"What are you going to do to him?"
I asked Kano

"Kill him slowly love...hell maybe you'll still be alive to see it happen"
He chuckled

He took his pocket knife and moved the back of the knife on my thigh making me jump "now talk no more chitchat"

He gave me an evil look "now talk"
I didn't say anything thing "fine then we'll make you talk...boys let her have it"

They smiled and walked to me "no stay away!"

I wanted to push them away and kill them but I couldn't

They kept touching me

Rubbing my thighs arms neck tits ass anywhere it was gross I hated unwanted things touching me

"Well look at these" a man with a black mask laughed

As he ripped my shirt off "stop it!"

The man slapped me in the face
"Shut it" he yelled

Kano cut off my pants with his red knife
I kicked and yelled but nobody cares

Before it could go any longer I heard a big boom! Come from some room

"Go look I'm not done with this one" kano ordered

They all got up and went to walk off

I try'd to cover up my body with my legs but he pulled my legs back down "now where do you think your trying to going love"

I kicked him again "fuck you"
"Now now that was your last mistake"

He pulled out his knife and put it to my skin on my leg making a deep cut

I yelled in a pain

"Now kick me again and I'll gut you"

I kept hearing screaming and loud explosions

"You won't you need me to tell you where fujin is Kano" he laughed "you really think we need you to find him"

My eyes widen "no we don't need you..this is just for the hell of it"

He slid his hand up my inner thigh

But that's where the door flew open and all most broke "y/n!"
Kano take his knife and try's to gut fujin

Fujin takes Kano knife with his air magic
As brakes his arm "you cock!"

"Yeah yeah shut it!" He took his crossbow and shot him in the head killing him
Kano went down faster then I thought

"Y/n" he said as he ran to me "fujin..."

Soon he got me untied and i immediately jump into his arms as I let the tears fall down the sides my face
"Fujin..I was so scared"

He hugged me so tight that I couldn't breathe he actually took the air out of me

"It's okay y/n I'm here now"

I held him so tight he knew I didn't want to leave him so he pick me up barrel style

I passed out in his arms

Time skip*

I woke up in a bed?

My head was on something hard but soft at the same time

Then I felt something on the side of my arm

I looked up...fujin?

He was asleep he looked so peaceful and perfect sounded asleep

I put my hand on his chest he didn't have a shirt on he had such a amazing body

Once our skin connect he woke up
He had jumped a little like I had scared him

"S-sorry didn't mean to wake you"

I told him well I blushed
"Y/n" he made me look at him with his thumb on my Chin

I nodded to tell him what?

"I was so worried about you"
"Oh..fujin" I cupped his left cheek with my hand

"Fujin there's something I need to tell you" but before I could say what I was going to say he kissed him

Just for a second "y/n I need to tell you something as well"

"Shut up" I said as I kissed him back
Which turned out to a full on make out session

With little air gaps

"Y/n I've wanted this for so long"
"I have to"

I hugged his neck"I love you so much"
I said in his ear

"I love you to"

IM SO SORRY this took so long
I just stated school and I'm in P.E CLASS FOR FIVE HOURS A DAY

so it will take me a bit long then it should

I really hope you like the part

1160 words

But I'm sorry this took so long and this part I really didn't know what to put here so I'm sorry but it is all over the place

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