1. Idiots

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Adam Stalin

"Just this time, Adam. Please." I heard my little brother, Adan, whine for the nth time today. He closed my study's door behind him and stood in front of me.

"Fratello, you know I'm busy." I said and continued typing on my laptop.


Adan is bugging me to go to a formal party on his behalf since he has a date with his girlfriend. He can be such a baby sometimes.

"Legal business is yours now, Adan. I'm not gonna interfere in it." I tried denying again.

"I know, Adam but you don't have to sign any deals there. You just have to be present there on the behalf of Fashion and the City. You can leave the party after 30 minutes. I'll talk to the organisers. Please just do this for me." He said and took a seat in front of me.

"Fine. Fucking hell, you don't shut up, do you?" I said and Adan shook his head negative with a smug smile on his face.

"Don't cuss, brother." I heard the voice of my twin sister, Rose Stalin. She entered my study and took a seat next to Adan.

They always do this. They gang up against me. I don't want to go to that stupid party.

"Sorry Mom." I sarcastically said and let out a huff of air in annoyance.

Rose is so much like my mom, Katherine Stalin. Same sassy attitude, same brown hair, same fighting skills, everything. All she got from our father, Evan Stalin, are her blue eyes and his caring nature. Rose doesn't participate in the family business. She has a line of her clothing called Rosa's, which means Rose's in Italian.

Not that mom isn't caring but she's just been through a lot. She's the meaner parent from time-to-time.

Adan is a mixture of mom and dad. He too has dad's eyes and he got his dark hair too. He doesn't like the Mafia we are in. That's something which makes him different from all of us four. He has always stayed away from anything related to our Mafia roots. When we turned 21, dad handed me his and our mom's mafia and Adan got the legal business of the family, Fashion and the City.

About me, I'm mostly like my dad. I have his anger, his dominance and his rage in me. I have all of his skills and also his dark hair. Though my eyes are just like my mom, forest green. When I took over the Mafia, I merged my dad and mom's mafia. Now, I'm the head of the whole of the Italian Mafia.

"You should start getting ready, brother. You need to be there in the next 75 minutes." Rose said in a baby voice.

I rolled my eyes and got up from my seat. I switched off my laptop and put it in my briefcase. I walked out of my study and saw Jasmin and Leila sitting on the dining room, eating MY dinner.

I walked upto them and Adan and Rose followed me. I took my seat at the head of the table and looked at them. I live in my own apartment so I sit on the head of the table. When I'm at my dad's he has the seat to himself.

"I'm surprised you didn't invite Ava to convince me, Adan." I looked at my brother and commented.

Ava is my favourite out of all of them. It's not that I don't love these morons any less but Ava's really special for me. When she was small, I used to play with her all the time. We have a special bond.

"I wanted to but what if she parted with you? I couldn't risk not showing up at my anniversary." Adan said and started eating the chocolate pudding the maid just kept in front of him.

"What anniversary? You asked her out just a month ago." Jasmine asked eating her kale salad. She comes up with different types of bland and tasteless salad recipes every few weeks and troubles the maid to make it for her.

"One month anniversary." Adan said in a 'duh' voice and rolled her eyes.

"Fucking wiped." Leila commented and rolled her eyes in return.

Rose glared at her for using an 'inappropriate' word and Leila apologised, throwing her hand in the air.

"Adam, I think you should get a girlfriend too." Jasmine said and before I could answer, Adan did it for me.

"And be stuck with just one pussy every night? We have a better chance at Donal trump making good decisions than Adam getting a girlfriend."

Everyone present at the table laughed except for me. I glared at Adan, narrowing my eyes and he shrugged it off.

"I'm surrounded by idiots." I commented before making my way to my room to get dressed for Adan's stupid party.

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