🌊chapter 1🌊

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"Is she dead?"


"Duh...she hasn't come out for like 10 minutes."

"Let's just leave."

"Yea right."

I remained underwater until they left. Yes!Underwater.
Hey...I'm April D'Cruz and I'm an Indian.
Then what am I doing in Seoul?
Ugh..blame the scholarship.
(And you must be thinking) What the hell am I doing underwater?
Well...the thing is I got bullied on my first day of "highschool".
And why was that would you ask me?
My skin tone.....I'm brown!!!
If you ever ask me to describe myself then...
Yea..I'm DARK in complexion but, I have light purple eyes(I feel so unique) well..atleast that's one thing I like about myself.
And I have long jet black hair which bugs me at unexpected times.
And hmm...I can breathe underwater. You probably might think I'm nuts but hold up..I am telling the truth and you know...my eyesight is way better underwater than it is on land(crazy right!).
You must be feeling that I'm a super human with these advantageous powers but trust me there are some cons of having them.

Oh they left finally!!!

It was dark.
The main road was probably a kilometre away.
I knelt on the ground scrambling around aimlessly in search of my glasses.
My clothes or should I say uniform was soaking wet.
And now my glasses are broken...great!!!
I shove my broken glasses into my bag which was fortunately dry and started walking towards my apartment.
People were eyeing me weirdly but that was least of my concerns.
I was shivering and it was winter and winter in Seoul meant cold.....extreme cold.
I was rubbing my arms for some warmth.
"A young woman like you alone in the night. You might get kidnapped you know!"
A deep raspy voice echoed through the now empty streets. I flinched as something warm and heavy draped over my body.
I started squinting my eyes for a better vision of that person.
"Oh a foreigner I see," he continued as I took out my broken glasses and put it on only to realise that, that person was staring at me with his eyes wide opened.
"Is there any problem? Haven't you seen a foreigner before?" I asked clearly pissed after being treated differently even if it was for a day.

"Oh wrong question I guess.By the way,I am Kim Taehyung and you can call me Tae for short," he said lending his hand in for a handshake.
Even through my broken glasses,I could see a cute boxy smile plastered on his lips. He looked ethereal with jet black hair and deep blue pigmented eyes.
"such beautiful eyes!! " I thought

I shook his hand.

"And I am April D'Cruz.You can call me April for short and Ummm........I'm sorry if I sounded rude earlier," I apologised clearly embarrassed.
"And thank you for lending me your jacket," I thanked .
"Nah don't thank me.I am just doing my job as a good citizen,"
He chimed.

"If you don't mind then......," he hesitated for a while.
"Ah this...I was bullied on my first day of highschool.....Sucks to suck..you know!" I laughed awkwardly.

"Bulling is common here.They are just cowards picking on the weak,"
"It's not that I am weak..it's just my colour...it's just that I am brown they look down on me," I said feeling low.
"Tch...kids these days!!"
Did he say "kids"?....Wait! So how old is he???

Tae offered that he would walk me home(he's such a sweet heart)and we had a little chat till we reached my apartment.
"We're here....Oh and here...thank you for the jacket again," I said as I took off his jacket when he stopped me.
"Woah wait! You can keep the jacket...Your uniform.......," he hesitated.
Shit. I understood what he meant. My blouse...it was white and because it was wet...It looked translucent.
I snatched the jacket and put it on feeling embarrassed as ever.
"Me and my absent mindedness!" I thought.
"And don't come out alone in the night cause this colony is filled with perverts," he said with a wink.
I just gave a small nod.
"Good bye then.Hope we meet again next time," he said waving at me and then left.
I stood there until he was completely gone out of my sight.

I quickly unlocked my apartment and ran into the bathroom to take a quick shower.I stripped down and stepped into the shower as the warm water hit my body. All my worries and pain were washed off as I felt the calmness as it poured over my body. I let out a sigh as I recall what happened today.


"The first day of high school in a different country...it's going to be a whole new experience,"
I thought as I stood in front of the massive school building.

"Mannn...she is dark."
"Shut it...she might hear you."
"I doubt if she understands Korean."
"Hehe yep."
"Ugh who let her join this school?"

Little did they know that I understood Korean as clear as my native language.
I tried to brush off the comments and wanted to start fresh but as I entered the school...people were so rude to me that some of them bumped into me on purpose and also told that they thought I was a walking bark.

Huh?A walking bark?Is that even possible?!!

I tried to calm myself.
"Everything is gonna be fine once I reach my class,"I thought. But things had only gotten worse.

I had become an outcast.
During lunch I toppled over and split my lunch on the Cafeteria floor and on myself . People started laughing at me and all this was bearable until...

"Hey brownie!"
"yyess?" I stuttered.
"Come here!" he ordered. He was the one who pushed me during lunch and the one who made me an outcast.
Unfortunately I had to do everything he asked me to. I was a coward.

"Pick my stuff and follow me," he ordered once again.
I did as he said. Everything went well but when we started walking over the bridge..I felt a pair of hands pushing me off the bridge. Fortunately for me there was a river under which made me land safely in the water.
I was shocked for a moment but snapped back to reality only realising that I had been holding my breath.
I exhaled shakily and thought.."FREEDOM!".

End of flashback.

I slipped in my silky pink pyjamas and decided to call my best friend Thea who was back in India.
"Whhhhhhhhh I missed you so much!" she whined as soon as she picked my call.
"I missed you too!"I cried.
"OK listen...I have great news," she said.Clearing her throat she started again,"Do you remember the application I sent to the university of Seoul two weeks after you left India?"
"Yes," I said with anticipation rising every second she wasted.
"I got in!" she screeched.
"Yessss!" she said jumping all over her room.
"Oh my god!" I exclaimed,"And when are you coming?"
"Uh-huh...that's a secret."
" Oh come onnn," I whined.

Being a talkative girl she is we spoke for an hour until she finally decided to end the call.

I plopped on my bed feeling exhausted.
"Should I call them?
It's been a week since they have called.
Nah what better did they do when I was with them as if they would care to answer my call."

"But what if they answer?
Nevermind I'll just call them tomorrow..it's not like they are in a hurry to talk to me anyways!"

With these thoughts debating in my mind,I finally let the darkness take over me as I drifted into my dream world.


"Yoongi,I suspect that she is the one."
"Are you sure?"
"I just suspect it's not confirmed yet!"
"Tae, please keep an eye on her what ever happens..she must be the one."
"Okay shorty."
"Do you have a death wish!"
"I'm sorry lil meow."

"I end the call before he could speak another word . I'm sure I'll be dead when I get back home!!"

Hey guys!!!
Your author here😊
This is my first BTS fan fiction and I hope you guys enjoy the story.
Please support my story by voting, commenting and sharing.

Word count 1421

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