chapter 12

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Kennedy. POV :

I watch as Diana struggles . It pains me to see her like this , but this is the only way.

When they are finally out of sight , I walk back to Sam and an unconscious Amarah. I can't believe Matthew, he is still the selfish bastard I once knew .

"This is a dangerous game you're playing Omor". I know Sam.

But if I want to protect her I have to loose her.

Alexis , I hope I'm doing the right thing.

Diana's POV :

This doesn't make any sense. I'm on a carriage that I was forced to enter, we have been riding for only a few minutes and I feel like I'm in hell.

I start to recall how my day started.

I was upset that major didn't talk to me , then Sam came to console me , after that Sam got all Beasty at Matthew , then my mothers murder came and got killed , Matthew betrayed us , how ?

I don't really know

Then Amarah was unconscious , then we wanted to run , a group of Vikings show up, then major makes me go with them , why ?

I don't know

Voice what should I do

Patience child

Of course .

I look around me, I'm not the only one here .

With only a few feet apart ,

There is a boy who looks around my age leaning against the wall with his eyes closed, he must be asleep . He has black messy hair , they look almost like silk, they are ink black almost like mine, almost. His nose is slightly broken and he has a scar on his cheekbones . His lips are closed shut in a thin line but look like they have been hit, he is dressed casually with His hands are chained like mine and his legs are bare .

I continue to stare at him , he looks peaceful I wonder if he was taken away like me .

"No", he whispers

His eyes are starting to twitch .

"Leave her alone ",

He begins to shake up

"Let her go",


Is he having a nightmare ?

"Don't ",

"Pls don't do it",

He is definitely having a nightmare.

He begins to toss around with a pained expression on his face .

He suddenly jolts up


He begins to quietly sobb , his nightmare must have been horrible.

Say something

What should I say

Think Diana think

How was your nightmare.

No ,

Am I that horrible


Was it bad

I need help


"Um.....are you okay", he looks shocked at first , then calms down as he takes in my current state , which is the same as his .

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