|| Messed Up Confessions ||

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Messed Up Confessions

Reader's POV

'Aah...it's so hot out here today'

"You guys how do you manage this heat?????" I said while fanning myself.

It was lunchtime and we were outside eating lunch, we are currently eating in our usual spot by the trees to give us shade, it's kinda refreshing here tho.... but it's still hot. "I know, its really hot I wish we could do or have something that could cool us off today." Nagisa said while looking up the bright warm sky. "Mhm...your right!" Kayano said who was right next to Karma while devouring her beloved pudding. 'I'm thirsty.... wait lemme check if I brought my water bottle''

I was searching for it, then I found it next to my bento box. 'lucky me hehhehehehe...'

I uncapped the cap of my water bottle and was about to drink it when Kayano accidentally hit me in my arm causing me to drop and spill the water inside the bottle.

'Great. Just great. My poor waterrr my beloved watuhhh.... huhuhuhuhu....'

"OMYGOSHH IM SO SO SO SORRY Y/N-chan, I didn't mean to bump or hit you I'm really REALLLY SORRRYYY!!!" she said "Uhh it's okay, it was an accident, right?... So ummm I don't have wateerrr anymoreeee..." I said in a slight gloomy state, I mean who wouldn't be??? 'Seriously why NOWWW?!?!?!'

"You know Y/n I think I have some spare water. Wait let me just find it." Nagisa said while giving me those o-so-cherry- smiles of his which caused heat to rise upon my cheeks. "Your so kind as always Nagisa-kun." I said while I smiled at him.

'NOT TO MENTION HE'S VERY KAWAII~~EHhhHHH waitttttt stoppppp'

I shake my head to take away all those weird thoughts "Ahhhh...... umm Y/n I'm sorry but I think my spare water is in the classroom. I'm very sorry Y/n..." He said. "It's okay Nagisa-kun, thank you for trying tho" I said in defeat.

Y/n-chan~~today is your lucky day... I actually have some spare water right now and I wouldn't mind if you'll have it." Karma said handing over a bottle with refreshing water in it. 'YES! YES! WATER!!!!!!!!'

"Thank you Karma-kun, I'm really thirsty now so thank you very much for your kindness" I said as I took the bottle from him and uncapped the bottle cap.

As I was about to drink the water I saw him slightly smirk. 'Something's off about this sadistic redhead'  And when I turned my head on the other side I also saw Kayano slightly smirk.

'What's with her smirking today and she's unusually beside Karma.... hMmMMM... something's smells fishyyyyy....but whatever it is I hope it's not baddd'

(poor Y/n-chan she doesn't know what's bound to happen).

'The water was refreshing but hey it tastes sweet, it was unusual but maybe it's flavored so yeah.'

"Thank you for the water Karma, but tell me is this flavored? It somehow tastes sweet." I said to him while returning the now empty bottle. "Welcome Y/n-chan and yes it was somehow flavored...hehehehehe..." "Uhhh...okay???" 'Weird but nah who cares at least I'm not thirsty anymore...'

a few moments later

I checked my wrist watch and saw that we only have 16 minutes before classes would start so I decided that I would probably stay inside the classroom to cool off. As I was about to I felt a bit dizzy making me slightly lose my balance as I stood. Luckily, Nagisa being the gentleman he is, immediately stood to support so I wouldn't fall. I could feel heat rise up my cheeks but tried to hide it. (keyword: Tried) "Thank you Nagisa-kun, ehehehehehehe..." I said while rubbing the back of my neck. "Your welcome" he said giving those heartwarming smiles of his. 'Cute'

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