You Said You'd Grow Old With Me...

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The sound of volleyballs rang throughout Karasunos gym. The smell of sweat, yet weirdly a warm apple spice was spread across the air. A certain green haired boy rubbed his eyes as his vision went a little fuzzy here and there.

"You got this Yamaguchi!" Suga cheered.

Yamaguchi threw the volleyball in his hands, it flew high up. Feeling like a crow, he jumped up and felt the burn on his hands as the ball went flying upwards past the net.

A pair of arms squeezed him and he chuckled as he looked down to see Suga. "GOOD JOB!" He grinned, his usual motherly smile. The mother of the team gently let go and walked off towards the rest of the baby crows. Yamaguchi sighed as Suga got blurry and he quickly rubbed his eyes again.

In doing so, he didn't notice the tall boy behind him. A heavy hand fell on his head and Yamaguchi looked up to see Tsukki. "Good job Yama..."

Yamaguchi stared before a wide smile and light blush spread across his face. Tsukki turned and walked away, but was quickly stopped by a small hand grabbing his arm. "Thanks Tsukki!"

Practice went on from there. The sun slowly set, allowing a warm burst of colors to spread across the sky like a painting. The weather slowly turning colder. Practice was over.

"Hey Tsukki- Woah!" Yamaguchi gasped as he stumbled and went wide-eyed, however Tsukki quickly grabbed his body.

"Why so clumsy." Tsukki said letting Yamaguchi go and went back down to grab his bag from the team room. " okay?"

"Y-Yeah! Sorry Tsukki, I'm just a bit tired I think." Yamaguchi laughed as he reached for his bag and the two best friends headed out the door. "So how was practice?"


"That's good! I think I might need glasses though, my vision kept getting blurry here and there."

Tsukki looked at him and gently took off his glasses, and placed them on Yamaguchi. He looked around and giggled softly before shaking his head. "Nah now those make the world really blurry. Seriously how blind are you. Maybe I'm just tired?"

Tsukki frowned at the comment and put the glasses back on. He watched as Yamaguchi continued to ramble on. The moon gently lit up Yamaguchi's freckles, and Tsukki couldn't help but stare as a warm feeling spread across his body.

How dumb

Tsukki sighed and turned around to face the street in front of him,

Yeah... how dumb...

• • •

Daichi gathered the team around. Everyone stood up, wondering when practice will start and most importantly where the coach was. "So I talked to Coach Ukai and Takeda Sensei. Instead of practice, we will be heading towards the amusement park today. A team bonding experience!"

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" A familiar jumping libero screamed. Everyone watched as he flew through the air before falling onto Tanakas arm. The two best friends ended up in a fit of laughter and Daichi shook his head gently.

They all lined up and headed out the gym. Chatter was heard around as they walked down the road towards the train station. Yamaguchi felt a bit dizzy as the world kept going in and out of focus. Tsukki picked up his friends weird movements, as Yamaguchi kept rubbing his eyes while trying to keep his balance.

"Tadashi." Tsukki said pulling out an ear bud and giving it to Yamaguchi. The teen put it on and they walked down the hill with a soft song playing. "So what's wrong?" He asked as they turned the corner and entered the small station.

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