Interview with Leena Pariseau (futuremrsriggs)

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1.How long have you been dancing?
Leena: 13 wonderful years :)
2.When did you start dancing?
Leena: I started when I was 2 and lived in Ireland with my grandma and grandpa
3.Who started you dancing?
Leena: My grandma
4.Biggest achievement?
Leena: Probably either winning Worlds or being an inspiration
5.Biggest disappointment?
Leena: I don't think I've ever been disappointed with anything. I'm humble for what I get
6.How old were you when you went to your first feis?
Leena: I was 3. I moved up really fast
7.Ever switched schools?
Leena: Yes I have. I'm still registered for my dance school in Ireland but I switched from one in New York to my current one in Massachusetts
8.Have you ever felt like you should quit or actually have quit?
Leena: I have felt like I should. I was preparing for Worlds 2010. I was drilling my set dance of Blackbird, and I stopped on the last 4 bars and literally just paused. Then I broke down crying. Miss Melanie (one of my teachers) ran in and asked me what was wrong, I explained everything and she said " Leena, you are an amazing dancer. Who cares what place you get? It's just a trophy! What matters is that you danced your best and then nobody can tell you otherwise."
9.Who/what is your biggest motivation?
Leena: My biggest motivation is myself. I always compare myself to who I was yesterday
10.Do you have any special pre-feis or pre-performance routine?
Leena: I do! I do a little "prayer" to the feis Gods and I do 10 jumping jacks with toe stands
11.Do you like your teacher?
Leena: Yes! I love them!
12.Who do you look up to?
Leena: Ceili Moore, Ciara Sexton, and Nadine Martin
13.What's your favourite thing your teacher has said to you?
Leena: There's so many things! I don't think I can pick a favourite!
14.What does your dress look like? (Located in the picture)
Leena: Tan sleeves with black leaf pattern, black and rainbow bodice
15.Wig colour?
Leena: I have two wigs. One is black and one is light brown
16.Softshoe or hardshoe?
Leena: I don't have a favourite
17.Who or what is your favourite thing about Irish dance?
Leena: The friends you make
18.What's the biggest competition you ever won?
Leena: Worlds
19.Did you ever broke a leg/foot/... because of dancing?
Leena: I haven't broken anything but I've shattered my left ankle 3 times, got my knee cap shattered and a small stress fracture in my right foot
20.What brings you luck?
Leena: A picture of me at my first feis
21.What's the worst that ever happend to you on a competition?
Leena: A girl kicked me in the knee and shattered my knee cap
22.How do you feel when you dance?
Leena: I feel in top of the world, like I can't be stopped. I feel free
23.How manny times have you seen Riverdance?
Leena: Too many!
24.How many times have you seen Lord of the dance?
Leena: Too many!
25.Did you ever kicked someone while you where dancing?
Leena: Yes! In accident! I felt horrible!
26.What's your biggest goal?
Leena: Regain my Worlds title
27.What's your biggest dream?
Leena: Get into LOTD or Heart of Home
28.Do you think he will ever come true?
Leena: Hopefully!
29.Did you ever had a fight with your teacher?
Leena: Nope
30.Would you want to have a dance school one day?
Leena: If course!
31.Do you have dance enemies?
32.Did you ever get jealous because she/he was/is better?
Leena: Hell no!
33.What's your favorite dance quote?
Leena: "Rock bottom has built way more champions than privileges"
34.Bun wig or full wig?
Leena: Full all the way!
35.Riverdance or Lord of the dance?
Leena: Riverdance
36.Jig or Big Jig?
Leena: Too tough! I can't decide!
37.What is the biggest thing you sacrificed for dance?
Leena: Social life
38.Do you regret it?
Leena: Hell no!
39.Do you have other hobbies ?
Leena: Yes! I do show choir
40.Do you like them more than dance?
Leena: They're about even
41.Why do you dance?
Leena: Because I love it
42.Did you like it in the beginning?
Leena: Yes
43.Are there people from your family dancing?
Leena: Yes! Every generation has danced. My uncle is a former World champion!
44.Did you ever join a mother-daughter feis?
Leena: Nah
45. What organisation are you in?
Leena: CLRG
46. Favourite year of Worlds and why?
Leena: 2013 because it was Boston and I regained my title
47. Gavin or Celtic Star?
Leena: Gavin all the way
48. Julia or Brogan?
Leena: Julia! She's so sweet!
49. Who designed your dress?
Leena: The one and only Gavin Doherty
50. Region?
Leena: Mid-Atlantic even though I'm from Mass. It's a long story!
51. How often do you go to class? How long?
Leena: 7 days a week for 3.5 hours

Thank you for letting me interview you! And good luck at Worlds! I will post results!

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