since i am an BS Hotel and Restaurant management student...
it is nature to us to explore our minds in the world of food!.
our school organized a "HRM foodfest" where all the HRM students must participate in any skills showdown... My professor in culinary picked me to represent our section in sandwich making..
when i heard my name...i was a little shock.. because i admit, i know to myself that i'm not the best student in our section... but then, i realize that its a big opportunity for me to prove to them that i can do anything..
that night, when i got home.. my brain is bursting, thinking what i should do to win the contest?
also that night, i watched a soap opera...then i saw some "hulla dancer"!
one thing comes to my mind is Hawaii. because "hulla dancer" are usually performing at Hawaii.
i don't know, when Hawaii is the topic, pineapple will comes to my mind.
back to my problem.. since i'm worrying about my recipe in my sandwich, i think that pineapple is a delicious ingredients in i decided to create a "Hawaiian sandwich deluxe"..the ingredients are:
bacon,ham,sourdough bread,cream cheese and pineapple.
finally, at the competition... i won bronze medal...! thanks to the soap opera, at least i got a medal!
funny but so useful!