Chapter 1- DURING

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The lights flashed and the crowd sang along with Mark, he was singing my favorite song, Waste. I smiled as the spotlights swarmed through the crowds, blinding camera flashes and showering The raised hands of fans with pale pink light. I smiled as I hummed along, "....and every day that you wanna waste, you wanna waste, you can." I felt tears of joy run down my face, smearing the makeup I had caked on a few hours earlier, I was going to meet Mark after all, and it had to be perfect, just like him.

I had already bought tickets, but I had won a local radio contest for backstage passes. I sold the ticket it came with so I could give someone the chance to feel like I did now, at this very moment. I imagined myself as Amelia Ray, how perfect she had to have been to be able to be with Mark. But then I thought about how much of a dumb bitch she was for leaving him and losing all contact with him. He's and angel, who would want to leave such perfection?

I let out a long sigh as Mark said his goodbyes, and I just got more excited at the fact that I was about to be face to face with my inspiration. My hero.

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