Chapter Twenty-Five

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“There’s a guard.” Reb stated in a whisper as he and Jonah lay on the ground beneath a large spruce on a rise that looked down at the fort where Jonah was sure Scarlett was keeping his son. Joe, Bart and Sheriff Phillips, who had demanded everyone to call him Phil since that’s what his friends called him, were back with the horses. Jonah had left Joe behind for two reasons.

Reason one, he hadn’t been sure what they would see and had wanted to protect her from that and reason two being that he was merely wanting to observe the fort before figuring out a plan of action and for Joe the words ‘observe’ and ‘plan’ didn’t exist.

Jonah looked around the fort to assess the situation. There was a mansion built in the middle of the fort where the old barracks would have been. There were still several small buildings which Jonah knew probably housed the many men that were milling around inside the tall log walls.

                Jonah saw the man on the outside of the walls that Reb was referring to. He was standing alone beside the east wall. The only other guards posted that they could see from here were in the watchtowers on either side of the door on the north wall.

                “We need that man.” Jonah replied and Reb nodded in agreement.

                “Let’s go get him then.”

                Jonah looked around them. It was a few hours before sunset but the thick pine forest was already growing darker. Moving silently, Jonah and Reb flitted behind the trees, approaching the man who was leaning against the log wall, his carbine held loosely in his arms.

                Jonah realized the man was sleeping while he stood. His head was down and his chin was resting on his chest. The Stetson on his head kept Jonah from seeing his face but from the even rising and falling of his breaths it was easy enough to see that the man was catching a nap.

                “Keep an eye out Reb.” Jonah whispered and Reb nodded.

                “Got my best one on it.” He replied and Jonah would have laughed if his nerves had been a tight and tangled knot, bunching and coiling in his gut. Being this close to where he knew his son was had Jonah wanting to burst in, guns blazing and get the boy back while making all those responsible for taking him in the first place pay with blood. Then the sensible part of his mind broke in and told him that would only serve to get himself and his son killed.     

                Jonah glanced around one last time to ensure that he would remain unseen by the guards in the watchtower and then he approached the sleeping man, staying crouched and low to the ground. The man shoulder was propped against the wall and Jonah made short work of coming up behind him and wrapping his arm tight around his throat.

                The man came awake in a rush and Jonah quickly used his free hand to knock the carbine away before the man could fire a shot. It took every ounce of strength that Jonah had to hold the struggling man in place and sweat quickly slicked his brow as his muscles began to ache. Then slowly the man’s resistance began to fade and all at once the man slumped in his arms.

Renegades and Stubborn Pride (sequal to Renegades and Pretty Women)Where stories live. Discover now