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*Kian's P.O.V*

It's been a couple days since Renee told me about her ex Alec. It frustrated me because I wasn't there for her. I could have been the one to help her see and help her find someone better, someone she deserves.

Renee is an amazing person, i've known her for years and she is one of the most caring people I know. I can't even imagine seeing her heartbroken. She's good at hiding her feelings, always has been. And I would worry about her a lot because she would get depressed from everything that was going on.

I wish I could've helped, but she had Jewels and i'm thankful for that. Renee means a lot to me and I will always do what I can to make sure she's happy.

I decide to call her to see how she is, she answers on the third ring.

"Kiki!" She yells through the phone. I smile and laugh "Hey Renee how are you?". She chuckles "i've been great, you?".

"I've been great too" I say confidently. She laughs "that's good, what's up?". I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling "just wanted to see how you were". "Awe how are you and Andrea? We should all hang out so-" she stops mid sentence and I hear another voice and laughing.

"Who's there?" I ask confused. She's laughing non-stop "oh my gosh you're horrible at just dance". I stay quiet waiting for her to answer. She does one more chuckle before responding "oh sorry Kiki it's because Sam is here he wanted to hang out for a while".

I recognize his voice and I sit up "oh that's cool I'll let you go, have fun. Tell Sam I said hey". "Will do, have a good evening Kian bye" then she hangs up.

Sam? Why is she hanging out with Sam? I'm pulled from my thoughts once Andrea walks in. She smiles "hey babe Jc let me in". I give her a kiss as she sits down next to me.

"How has your day been?" I ask with a smile. She nods "great, yours?". I shrug "good". "I missed you" she says while resting her head on my shoulder. I rest my head on hers "me too".

She smiles and picks her head up "hey Jenn's having people over for dinner, wanna come?". I nod and smile. She holds my hand "cool i'll invite Ricky, Sam, Jc, Jewels, Trev, Connor, and Renee".

I shake my head "no Sam and Renee are hanging out so they might not make it".

She shrugs "ok then just Jc, Jewels, Connor , Trev, and Ricky". I nod and look down. Andrea looks at me confused "you ok?". I smile "yeah I just don't get why they're hanging out".

She laughs "uhhh babe he used to be her best friend too, i'm sure he missed her just like you did". I nod, I guess that's true it's not like they like eachother, I mean even if they did who cares. Plus Sam has known her almost as long as me.


I pull up to Jenn and Andreas house and can't stop thinking about Sam and Renee. Why the hell is it bugging me so much.

"Uh hello you coming in babe?" Andrea says while getting out of the car. We walk in and I see Sam and Renee sitting on the couch watching something on Sams phone. I walk up to them "hey guys how was just dance?". Renee looks up and smiles "it was a lot of fun". Sam nods in agreement.

I give her a hug and sit down next to her "who invited you guys?". "Oh Jenn did so me and Sam decided to come because we were hungry and didn't know what to eat" she says laughing while looking at me then Sam. I nod and get up to say hi to everyone else "i'll be right back".

After I say hi to everyone I sit by Jc and Jewels, who are across the room from Renee. Jewels smiles "Hi kian". I wave as she gives Jc a kiss on the cheek and gets up "i'm gonna go sit with Renee see you guys in a while". Jc nods as I look at Renee. He looks at me confused "what's up with you?".

I put my hands through my hair "I don't know man". He looks at me waiting for ne to explain. I look around then back at Jc "Today I have been really annoyed that Sam and Renee hung out".

"Seriously? Why? Were you jealous?" He asks curiously. I nod "Yeah, but i'm not jealous".

He shrugs "maybe you're just selfish. You haven't seen her in years so you don't want anyone else to take her from you, you don't wanna lose your guys' friendship again".

I nod in agreement "yeah, I think your right". I look back at Renee again and she smiles at me. I hope i'm just selfish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHORS NOTE; hey my loves! I hope you enjoyed! Please follow me on Twitter (: @heyitsknj ... Anddddd let me know what you guys think!!

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