Chapter One

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Chapter One

My sister’s shrill screams echoed through the empty hallway to me. If I listened carefully enough, I could just about hear my mother and father trying to calm her down. I hated this. Babies made me uncomfortable, screaming babies were ten times worse. Pulling a hand through my unruly hair, I aimlessly wandered around my room before settling myself down with my back to the wall, so that I was directly in front of the door.

The door. It was the most peculiar thing I’d ever known of, and I had been studying it since my sister was born. The large, solid, wooden door gazed down upon me threateningly, daring me to look anywhere except t its intricate carvings. I just couldn’t figure it out. The door was frightening, but I knew that was only because of man’s natural fear of the unknown. I’d never ever gone through the mysterious door. The creepiest thing about it was that I was the only one who seemed to be able to see it.

I had come from school one day and been greeted to my room with a new door, smack bang in the middle of the main wall in my room, formerly, the only one free of furniture. Running down to my mother downstairs, I had asked about the door.




“What door, honey?” my mother asked as she struggled with my troublesome little sister.

“The one in my room...” I answered slowly. How did she not remember a massive new door which had appeared in my room just that very day? I probably should have seen what was on the other side of the door before I came running downstairs, but something had convinced me not to. Strangely, I could not remember what thoughts had influenced my decision, but I stuck to the feeling.

“Alice, will you stop being silly? I’m trying to look after your sister here, and I don’t need you playing silly little games with me!” scolded my mother. What was she talking about? I wasn’t playing games! There was a door in my room, on the wall. It didn’t make any sense! They would have had to known down a wall and built a new room just to have that door there, and that was something that wasn’t going to be done in a day. I only wanted some answers! I had to try a more mature approach.

                “Mother, would you please explain to me why there is a huge new door in my room please?” I asked. My voice was reluctant to let my words flow smoothly, I sounded forced, as if I were talking in “staccato.” It seemed I sounded about as impatient as I felt.


BANG! My sister, Libby, sent her plate crashing to the floor where it broke into pieces. The silence which followed was deafening. Suddenly, I saw my mother spin around so she was fully facing me.



I blinked, my eyes suddenly stinging. Running upstairs to my room, I slammed the door and let a few silent tears fall. I glared at the door, willing it to go away. It had caused this. When it did not go, I huffed, stalking over to my computer chair to begin my work.


*end flashback*


                “Oh my gosh! OH MY GOSH! WHAT’S HAPPENING!” shrieked my mother. From here in my room, I could tell she was in a panic. Probably pacing, her left hand doing its trademark twitch.

“Nelly, calm down! I’m sure she’s fine,” came my father’s soothing voice of reason. I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I felt a slither of hope after hearing my mother’s words. It had been a while since anyone had paid me any particular attention, and I craved it, my ears perking up at anything which could possibly mention me. I didn’t think I was being a diva, or arrogant, or anything, I was just feeling a bit deprived. Like no one remembered who I was half the time. However, any hopes I had were carelessly crushed as I heard my mother’s frustrated voice shouting, “Adrian, look at her! Look at Libby! This, this isn’t normal! We need to do something!”

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