Chapter 15

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"Soyeon wake up~" she slowly opens her eyes to see one of her maids

"Ah thank you" then the maid leaves out her room

She knew none of her friends will see her off because she told them not to... she didnt wanna cry in front of them.

Soyeons POV

I take a shower and put on some makeup for i could at least look decent enough to go outside.

My stuff was already sent out to Canada all i needed was just me to go in the plane well private jet....

"Ms Soyeon we must go" one of her maids came in

"Im going I'm going"

She runs past her maid and down the stairs so quickly she basically just won a medal... she then ran pass someone with blue hair and she was now just confused

She stopped in her own running and bumped into a wall.... her head snaps back to the blue furry thing to see Taehyung


"Well too bad sis i aint sending you off without me being there"

"Ahh i see...." it became quiet "WELL GO AWAY!!" She starts hitting him

He then grabs her arms and pins her against the wall "YAHH STOP HITTING ME"

"Fine fine let me go"

He then pushed himself off the wall. "Tae someone could've walked in and saw us like that and would've created a rumor"

"Whatever" he laughs and ruffles her hair

"Are you gonna drive me?"

"I- huh- Soyeon i-" he blushes


"I know i just wanted to make you think that you dirty minded girl"

"Frick you"

"Lets go!!"

"Im gonna miss Seoul...."

"Your only gonna be gone for a bit"

"I know.... tell the others i love them"

"Your not gonna die. Your so over dramatic" Tae drinks his coffee

"I must be its just who i am"

"Your private jets gonna leave.... bye i love you" he hugs her

"Bye i love youu tooooo"

He then walks the opposite way... i wish i just confessed... ahh stop thinking about that already. I sigh and look down. I start walking towards the direction i was suppose to go

"SOYEON!!" I hear behind me

"Soyeon wait!"

I turn to see Hyunjin..... "ah yes?" I tried to hold myself back

He runs my way and stops in front of me... "i need to tell you something"


"I..... i just..... um..."

"Ah so nothing?"

"I don't- no no i have to say this"

"Say it i have to go" i look At him

"I love you" before i can respond his hand went on my cheek and he kissed me

Is this really happening??? Am i kissing Hyunjin?? He broke the kiss and looks deeply into my eyes "i will wait for you"


"Soyeon we have to go" my maid calls me

"I will wait for you"

"Okay!" I yell from afar

I just squealing on the inside and holding all my excitement until i get out of publics eye view.
Hyunjins POV

I smiled so wide I couldn't stop even on my way home. Im so happy I confessed... i arrived to Mingyus house since we wanted to hangout.

Wendy, Jisoo, and Seonghwa were here too.

"You confessed before she left? How romantic " Wendy says

"Cheesy" Seonghwa muttered

"Aw now I mean she definitely won't date anyone now"

"Oh god i forgot there will be guys at her school too..... she may be hit on" Mingyu says

I then think about it.... No one can take her she is mine

"Im flying to Canada!" I get up

"No no" they all pulled me back down

"Aishh" he messes with his hair

"Don't worry she is loyal she won't do anything" Jisoo says

Everyone sighs "Either way we have a test coming up we need to study for"

"Should we study?"



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My Lover, and Him •Hwang Hyunjin• ✔️COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now