Rocking Girl

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'Hey Midoriya, have you seen Momo?' Kyoka Jiro asked.

Midoriya looked up from his notebook, it looked like he had been feverishly writing down dancing moves and tips down in his book instead of Hero trivia for once. Like everyone in class 1A he was obsessed with putting on a good show during the School Festival next week.

Sometimes it still surprised Jiro just how passionately everyone had become. They had pulled out all of the stops, it was impossible to find anyone who was giving the performance less than 100%.

'Oh, Jiro,' Midoriya blinked as he tried to recall where he had last seen their classmate. 'I think Yaoyorozu was spending some time with John. Even though he's not in the band they've been spending a lot of time together.'

Jiro nodded, John Shudder was one of Class 1A's two International students, from UA's sister school in Australia. John was an easy going guy who had a curious and often comical ability to get on the nerves of both Tenya Lida and Bakugo simultaneously.

He had also been good friends with Momo almost since his first day in UA, mostly because Momo could speak fluent English. It turned out that Momo had also been teaching him Japanese since his arrival, and it showed. By now he was as fluent as anyone else in the class. Yet another testament to Momo's supernatural ability to teach others.

But even so, the news still created a small pit in Jiro's stomach. She liked John, they had been friends for some time too, and Jiro was beginning to wonder if he liked her too. Jiro wasn't particularly interested in romance, but something about his easy going nature, and his passion for rock music, just meshed with Jiro a little too well.

The only problem was that he spent so much time with Momo, who was, downright gorgeous, to the point she even had a fan club! How could Jiro compete with that? Not to mention their close relationship from day one.

All of these thoughts swirled through Jiro's head in an instant before she gave Midoriya a polite nod. 'Any idea where they went?'

'I'm not sure.' Midoriya paused and turned to his friend, and the class representative, 'Hey Lida, do you know where John and Momo went?'

Lida seemed to almost tense at the mere mention of the International Student's name. However over time, he and John had at least found a grudging respect for one another.

'I think John and Momo are in his room, weren't they doing something in preparation for the festival?'

'I think so...' Midoriya replied rather woodenly. 'I can't... remember what it was though.'

'Me... neither.' Lida's eyes widened slightly, and Jiro immediately got the sense that something was going on that they were hiding from her.

'I still think they're...' Kaela Torrens, the other International student in 1A smirked, and mimed kissing an invisible figure in front of her. 'They spend too much time together to be doing anything else!'

Jiro did her best not to blush, or snap out a 'John wouldn't do that!' at the other Australian. She simply turned away and stalked off, a heavy feeling in her heart.

She went upstairs and headed for John's room. She hadn't been inside it since everyone in 1A had toured each other's rooms. It was... overbearingly Australian, complete with a boomerang hanging on the wall and all kinds of Australian memorabilia... And a bunch of posters of Australian rock bands!

He'd even leant Jiro a bunch of CD's, and while her English wasn't perfect, she had to admit they made some pretty rocking music down under!

She reached his door and was about to knock when she noticed the door was a little ajar. John had commented that his door kept opening when it shouldn't, but hadn't been bothered to report it, always claiming that 'She'll be right.'

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