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(I don't own the picture, all credits go to the original artist)

You were born as the older twin sibling But, Your parents mostly favored your younger sibling. Your mother neglected you and almost ignored your existence. But your father had trained you to fight 
Even though he did mind you, He still Favored your sister more than you And you looking like your sister was to his advantage. He would give you assassination task, make you attend meetings or contribution and give the credits to your Dearest sister.
But to his dismay, Your eyes were both different. Your sister's was blue while you on the other hand was (e/c)So he had to make you wear a mask, He also trusted You to take care of your sister. With all the power your sister had of course she would change unfortunately, into Someone not Good.

She knew how your hands are stained But she didn't care, She has the protection of your parents while they treat you nothing but just a mere bodyguard. Members of the mafia feared your sister but just spit on you Since you being a member of your family was kept a secret.
Brytte Moransté is another boss of a mafia And would like to make Alliances to your Father's Mafia so in that case, His son Xavier Monrasté And your sister Koromi (L/n) Would get Married to each other to prove that they are both willing to have their 'only children' be married to each other. I sister liked the idea.. no, she Loved the idea!

I mean come on, Who wouldn't? A handsome man who has the features

of a god but as cold as ice, it would be an achievement for her to make his cold heart melt .For Xavier however, He did admit your sister was beautiful But no matter how much she tried, it didn't peek the interest of the Boy, Much to his dismay his still has to marry that brat. After being the spotlight in the party you father hosted in your manor.

He find himself conversing with your sister,

Anything that girl blabbered was nothing he liked and he ended up tuning out the words your sister was saying. He randomly thought of the woman who he would actually like.

When your sister started to talk to other people, He soon

started to explore your manor that he soon will visit again for the arrangement of the wedding. while walking through a random hall and keeping sure he knows his way out. he saw a silhouette of a person in a isolated balcony away from the rest of the people.

He slowly then surely walked up to the person and he saw that it was

Koromi, except her hair was tied up in a bun earlier but now it's loose, and the dress has been changed.is this what people meant how fast of a assassin Koromi is?

the thought of it made him somehow angrier

and went to confront her about it. he grabbed her shoulder and she turned around her faced was in a mask but it was visible that she tensed. While he was in his daze you took this opportunity to take his hand off and run away. Successfully you did it and went off to another place where only god knows where.
Xavier was called out to a meeting with his father and so he obeyed just like always. The meeting was only in between his father and your father his father told him to go talk with Koromi and share some bond so it wouldn't be hard in the future.

I mean, It would be hard to be married to somebody

you don't know and mostly loved. While walking through a hallway he remembered his encounter with you it surprised him to find another person in that side of the mansion the person looked so familiar with his so called 'wife' But he never got the chance to ask your name. He was currently seating with her and for once it wasn't just a one sided talk.

Even though Koromi was happy with his one word answers

it shamed her to find all the food eaten so she asked a maid to find you and serve it for her. Embarrassed she knew she can't handle to be with this man actually talking to her without you being with her. Koromi was sweet and nice in the outside but she would use her sister to boost her ego and pride.

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