Twenty-nine: my story

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Serene' s Pov:

"I was seven years old, sleeping peacefully in her arms. That was my favorite place in this whole world. My mother was the most beautiful women I've ever seen, since i remember.
Everyone praises her, for her beauty and her perfect Lifestyle but thats not all about Mrs. Emma Brown...her kindness is another definition of her beauty. My parents were so happy at that time, my father loved my mother since they were in college and after that, they got married to each other.
But Good things...never lasts forever. When she was portraying herself as a perfect mother, wife, daughter and many more....she lied to everyone.
She was battling with brain cancer at that time. She knows this a long ago, but never told anyone. She kept it a secret....until her illness was evident.

I was sleeping in her arms...peacefully,  her eyes closed. At this stage of Cancer, her beautiful glowing face turned pale and dull with weakness. She used to cover her head with a light purple scarf, so that i cannot see any difference of her. Chemo therapy did the worse effects on her body.Usually her long brown blonde hair and those heavy long lashes, that makes her beautiful are replaced with a patch of shoulder length dark hair.
But all these things didn't matters.. She is my mother. I loved her always. Maybe her friends, her relatives, the followers that once praised my mother for her good looks, are no longer in affection with her, but i will always love her.
She never cries in front of me and my brother...but she does cry alot. I know that, when we got asleep she cries in silence. The only reason is...My Father.

Mr. Robert father, the very known person in the elite members of london. The very great men who was,once head over heels in love with my mother. But now, in this difficult phase of her life...he left her alone. He was the most decent and the kindest men, until the day he got to know about my mother's illness. After that day I've never saw him sober, he's always drunk and angry. But maybe that was his way to cope up with this pain. He also cried alot. But the only thing was.....he was unable to help her. All this money and fame did nothing to help her. She was battling in the last stage.

When i opened eyes in the morning, still wrapped in her arms. But something was missing. Her warm embrace and her short breaths turned cold. Her pink lips that tugged upward in smile are now turned blue. Her blue eyes that still holding those tears inside, are lifeless and dull.

"Mama!...?" i said, stroking her ice cold cheeks.
But she didn't replied. I shake her body lightly, that maybe she'll wake up but she isn't sleeping.
I cried, and screamed still shaking her lifeless body with my tiny hands....but she never respond.

After the funeral of my mother, my brother 'Samuel' took care of me, like my mother used to . Our father was always out of the town with his friends or on business tours.
My brother was only twelve years old at that time, but behaved matured then his age. But he did as he said. He said he promised to our mother, that he'll take care of me after her death.  We were happy and living this normal life again. But then my father came back home one day, with his new wife and her son.

Just after a year of my mother's death...he got married to another women. My heart shattered at the sight in front of me. My father was happy and proud of his decision. He said he did that, because we need a mother.
From that day....our Beautiful life turned to hell. She was the worst kind of human I've ever seen. She was always so sweet and caring in front of our father and after he left...she used to torture us. This whole suffering continued and we got used to it. My brother started college and he joined his friend in a new bussiness project. He moved away , near his college. But i was living at my father's house. I was uneffected to this pain and humiliation from my step mother's torture.

But one day...she accused me of stealing her money and slapped me in front of my father. He did nothing but kept quiet. I was crying and telling her that i didn't...but she kept beating me.
But than my brother came home the same time,and told her that his dearly son 'Ryan' steal her money, and also her gold ring.
That day he decided, that its better for both of us to leave our Father's house and live on our own. My brother was doing best in his college and in Business. We both switch our name with our mother's surname 'Brown'. I was living my best life there. Making friends, going to parties on weekends. I got in a relationship  with one of the most handsome boy in our college Nicholas Anderson . Money was never a problem since i moved in with my brother. I was so engrossed in my freedom and independent life...that i never thought about Samuel.
After graduating, i moved to Amsterdam for my internship and my boyfriend Nicholas joined my brother in his business as an intern. This was the biggest mistake of my life.
My brother's Business partner and Nicholas planned against him..and accused him for the loss of the company. Then came the real bitch Amelia...she put fake allegations on my brother and accused him of drug paddeling.
Which leaded Samuel into depression, and he took his own life....leaving me alone in this cruel world among all of his culprits.

I left that country, with the last promise to kept through my whole life...My Hera. I am still hiding, running away from those demons who destroyed our life. This is all you should know..."

I told him as much as he should know. Nothing more and nothing less.
I wiped away my tears, and Lucas is staring at his feet.

"But How did you know my sister..and  what about Hera...and her mother?" he asked.

"I should better ask your sister about this and about Hera...her mother left her just after the delivery" i replied.
I can't explain this. Lorine is the missing piece in the puzzle...and its better if she herself explain this to her brother

I know there are still so many questions about her past, but this is just an over view that she explained to him. So many secrets to reveal....!!!

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