umm ok so i dont really like this artist but oh my god is song im obsest with it my sister showd me it today and woring it is kind of inaprbyit ( just what for the choris ) but really its not that inapropit its kind of like strang love ( by halsey ) like it just says " we can have 3 sum just us you me and you best frend lets fu*k " so yeah i hope you like it
and lyics
k byyyyyyyyyyyyy 🖤💙🖤
some of my faverot songs
Randomok so im werd my faverot song can chang like evry 2 days or if im lucky a week but i allwhays cume back to all of my favrot songs so this book is just going to be a buch of song that i like why because i like showing people songs that i like ( dont...