Chapter I

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~~~Author's Note~~~

am . ar . an . thine

1. eternally beautiful and unfading; everlasting                                                                                  2. deep purple-red

This particular story is very special to me. I've got a massive crush on Captain Rex, and while he's involved in a couple ships (Rexsoka, Codex, etc.), I can't really stand any of them. Enter Fira, an OC that I'm very proud of.

This story promises to be pretty long, though the first chapter's gonna be pretty short. Possibly it'll be a series, but I'm not gonna make any promises. Anywho, away we go!



Damn those clankers.

Damn the clankers, their persistence, and their battle strategy. And especially, damn the new suicide droids. Damn it all.

"Take cover!" Rex yelled to his men as he felt the slight rumble that preceded the explosions. One of the droids, a couple yards away, detonated just as the clones scrambled for cover underneath huge blocks of blue stone fallen from the mausoleum above them. The wave of force slammed Rex against a crumbling stone pillar, and he was pelted with pieces of silvery-grey droid anatomy.

He turned, to see another line of suicide droids standing where only one had been before.

"Damn it all," he muttered, then raised his voice. "Retreat!"

About to turn and run back to the hold with his men, something, a flash of monochrome, caught his eye among the vibrant azure and cobalt of the crumbling stone monuments. He turned to see what it was, and was just in time to see a massive, royal blue pillar falling directly towards the line of droids.

He jumped back reflexively as the wide pillar landed on top of the damned clankers, completely crushing them. And toppling off the end of the pillar was a clone.

Rex rushed towards him. "Are you alright, soldier?" he said, helping him up.

The clone nodded.

Rex didn’t quite recognize him: his scuffed armor was painted with stripes of bright green, and on the helmet there were some markings in an elegant, circular language that Rex didn’t know.

"Nice job," said Rex.

"Thanks," coughed the clone.

Rex was about to say something more when he heard the soft ratcheting sound that the suicide droids made, but it was already too late. He felt the droid’s hand on his ankle, and the ground started to rumble.

But then, in a sudden, unexpected leap, the clone launched himself onto the droid, hurling Rex out of the way.

"No!" shouted Rex, as he felt the vibrations growing stronger. The droid was about to explode, and the clone would be blown sky-high.

But just as it was about to detonate, Rex heard a loud snap and the distinct sound of a broken control panel.

The droid collapsed limply on top of the clone, the turquoise light fading from its mechanical eyes.

The clone rolled the droid off the top of him, but before Rex could shout a warning, the droid’s metal finger curled around the trigger of its blaster.

The clone screamed in pain as the blast tore through his upper arm. Rex kicked the gun away before it could accidentally fire again and knelt next to the clone.

"Are you alright?" said Rex, rolling the clone to face him.

He didn’t respond, and Rex tore his helmet of and hurled it to the side, but was in no way prepared for what he saw.

It was not a clone. It was a girl.

Amaranthine {Star Wars: The Clone Wars Fanfiction} DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now