3 : Relationship

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Well Haru recover after a few days , no one visited him cause Daisuke already inform them that Haru was gonna stayed at his home and recover there so he won't run away. Everyone thought it wasn't strange , Haru and Daisuke didn't have a good relationship at first but as time goes they were the best team out there. They still fight occasionally but it isn't something new to anyone in their division at the very least.

The days goes normally as Haru gets back to work , Haru still nags a lot at Daisuke for carelessly using his money and Daisuke being Daisuke ignore him. Nothing new well maybe not , They notice something different between them. Like how Daisuke would smile softly at how Haru nags at him and how Haru would always laugh around Daisuke. For God sake they notice how Haru and Daisuke would stare at one another for a brief second and then got back to work.

And this days Daisuke always bought something for Haru , like how Daisuke bought a company which produce one of Haru's favourite sweets of course which resulted in Haru's nagging at him but at the very end Haru just sigh and say ' Thank you ' with a sweet smile. They were suprised , Haru thanking Daisuke ?! it would be the last thing on everyone's mind. Plus Haru and Daisuke would always go home together that made them more suspicious of Haru's and Daisuke's relationship.

Well Haru and Daisuke was focused on work and themselves forgot to tell the others that they're now lovers and the fact Haru was now living at Daisuke's manor. At first Haru rejected the offer but Daisuke couldn't stop bothering Haru about it. In the end Haru actually move in with Daisuke. Of course they haven't told anyone about that . So far only Suzue knew of Haru and Daisuke being lovers.

" Hey why is Daisuke staring at Haru ? " Saeki ask to Kamei. Kamei just shakes his head.

" I don't know , they even start calling each other by their first names "

Well Daisuke and Haru didn't intend to hide their relationship , they were very open about it but the fact no one knew they were now lovers would be because the fact they were busy with cases. No one would dare to ask too cause they weren't brave enough or just shy.

" They went home together everyday and Haru seems to get enough sleep and not over working this days ," Saeki said while glancing at Haru.

" I know and it's not like Haru at all plus did you see his fingers there was a ring on it ," Kamei said almost shouting but Daisuke and Haru was too focus on their work

neither of them really listen or pay attention. Daisuke was wearing gloves so no one knew Daisuke was wearing the same ring as Haru.

" You don't think their in a relationship do you ?" Saeki ask quietly

" Well logically speaking I don't think those two will ever become lovers but then again those two relationship was never in the sense of logic ," Kamei answers. Both of them sigh.

" Well then we'll be off ," Haru said and everyone look at him and said good luck or be careful to him.

" please took care of him for me Kambe ," the chief of the division said.

" gladly "

" huh , why would I be taken care of someone younger than me , I'm two years older than him for God sake ," Haru complain.

" Probably because the fact you couldn't take care of yourself inspector Katou ," Daisuke smirks .

" I could take care of myself thank you Kanbe "

" your past actions said other wise inspector Katou "

" whatever let's just get going , you asshole ," Haru then walks out holding Daisuke hands and Daisuke just smile. Meanwhile the whole division just stares.

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