The meet

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Waking up to the sound of my alarm , I rise from bed and head toward my bathroom , looking at myself in the mirror I picture what life my would have been like if I knew who I was and where I came from , If I knew why I was left by the doorstep of a stranger . I ask my self this everyday , my life is like a never ending parallel line .

After getting ready I grab my bag and before heading out the door I say goodbye to my ' guardian' . Who also doesn't know where I came from and who abandoned me . As I walk to school I take in my surrounding . How the path is covered in a blanket of different colours , red , orange , yellow . I drag my feet through them as I walk down the streets that is laid with almost bare and naked trees . The sound of the wind whistling a silent melody to the trees.

I walk into tutorial , hometown as others Would say . The bellowing noise that is made of the students my classmates . It's chaotic . There's the obnoxious group of girls that look like they are about to spar with another group just as obnoxious as then . The boys from the football team replaying the previous game where they obtained the touch down the handed them the game . And then there was the teacher , upon all this chaos she sat at her table reading a magazine .
I didn't see the point . I didn't see why the group of girls argued and why the boys replayed , to me it's all a way of people to keep themselves busy , life is pretty boring .
I like to think that I look at things in a logical way and right now nothing logical came of this class .

After going from class to class I got bored and left . I didn't see the point in staying. That's when I heard it . It was little past six because I also decided to take a detour in town .
I began to walk faster who ever this was I didn't want to know what motivated them to be creeping around at night ,
Is it to terrify people ?
Cause if it was .. They were achieving their goal . I turned into my street .

A hand grasped my mouth from behind pulling me from the turn . I bit at them , I kicked , elbowed , shoved , punched , I did what ever I could that was humanly possible .

I wake up in a bedroom quite isolated and desolate . It consisted of only a bed and chair which looked like it would collapse in any moment and curtains.
I began towards the door in a defensive stance invade my capturer was still nearby .

" I think she's finally awake "
I hear a voice say and in unison foot step come my way . Backing away from the door I get ready to fend for myself . The door opens after a hard push by my capture and I leap , I leap towards him doing everything in my power to render him unconscious .
I feel myself being lifted into the air

" she's a fighter ain't she Christopher " another voice says .

"Yeah tell me something I don't already know " the male referred to as Christopher says while he soothes his chin with his hand.

"Did you really have to come at me that hard?" He asked

"Where am I .. Who are you .. I'll call the polic-"

"How" Christopher asked

"I'll scream then .... I'll scream as loud as I can " I say stutter due to the fear that travels through me

The other unknown man walks towards another curtain that is stationed in the the room we are all present in . He pulls open the curtain . He gestures for me to look out with his head .
Looking out I see ... I see nothing nothing but a barren waste land , a dessert more like .
How long was I out ?
How would they have gotten me here
The middle of nowhere .

"Right then let's get to it , I'm William this is Christopher . We brought you here because of your origin ... " the other man says

"My origin ?"

" Yeah we'll see the hole left at the doorstep story was a huge and utter fib but the part about you being abandoned is true ... But only because you were in danger "

I retreat to the nearest chair ( thankfully it didn't collapse ) to take in the story I was being told

"Apparently your parent are hunters , vampire hunters as are Christopher and I we come from a line of a organisation called the enforcers . We enforce justice and peace . Our world is separated from that of the world you lived in . We came to take you because the vampires are planing something and we need as many people as we can obtain " William explains

" But what am I to you guys . Like I'm only seventeen I don't know what your talking about . I didn't even know my parents existed " I say

" well they don't exist anymore "Christopher says

" This must be some sort of a joke.. A very bad and sick joke .. This must be some kind of prank show right? Is Ashton kucher going to jump of now where and time from now ? " I rebuttal

" Look I'm not one to joke . When I say something you listen and you believe me " William says sternly

" we have to move again we don't have much time , they are getting closer "Christopher warns

" look it's not safe here I we have to Auckland -" William says

" wait isn't that in New Zealand ? " I ask

" It's the only place we can ensure our safety and we can meet with the organisation , let's get movi-"

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