Chapter 2

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I did do what I said I would do, make up on the train. I did get a few funny looks but atleast it was out of the way, while I applied my foundation Emily ate her breakfast. Pancakes with chocolate, ice cream, strawberry sauce (Monkey's blood is what we call it... Don't ask?), and, yes you guessed it, more chocolate.

"Your going to die of a sugar overdose!" I said, my eyes wide and grabbing a spoon to join in. I don't see how she could eat that stuuf, we both have a sweet tooth but... DAMN! She likes that stuff, and me, well sadly I wasn't in the mood for sweeties (Or candy, if that's what you call it!).

"I'll just stick to the bacon sarnies!" Which is slang for sandwiches. I smothered the ketchup all over that thing, and ate while I texted.

I texted Perrie, and yes, it is THE Perrie Edwards. A member of the band Little Mix and girlfriend of Zayn Malik from One Direction! If your wondering how I know her, it's a long story. But, let's just say we live in the same area (Well, she used to live there) and we all -Me, Her and Emily- Went to the same school.

Me:On the train now, see you tonight!x

Perrie:I'm so excited to see you two! Missed you lots!x

I also tweeted: On my way to London! Tonight is going to be great!x

After that I rested my head on the window and used my jacket as a blanket, before I knew it my eyes had closed and I drifted off to sleep with my head phones in my ears to the sound of 'Moments' By One Direction.

I was woken up by Emily, once again! She was shaking me and saying "Abs! We will be there soon!" I could hear the excitment in her voice.

I opened my eyes, blinking a few times, and looked at Emily. Then I heard the voice over person, it said that the next station was Kings Cross Station- that's our stop.

"Let's pack our stuff then?" I suggested, so we gathered together everything on the table. It was quite messy so we gave our empty plates back and put all of our rubbish (Like Wrappers, from chocolate and Sweets) in the bin. When every thing was sparkling clean, something Emily isn't used to seeing, we saw that we only had 5 minutes untill we got there.

When the train arrived at the station we got up and ran to the doors, we were so eagar to get there that we were the first ones out.

"My bum is sore!" Emily said, a bit to loudly.

"So is mine!" I said stretching, but also a little bit quieter. We were starting to get funny looks so we left the station.

Not wanting to even attempt the Underground trains, knowing it would be like hell on a friday, we waited for a taxi. It didn't take long for one to arrive and the taxi driver was very kind, he helped us with our bags and asked politely where we were off to.

After Emily re-checked the address of the hotel for the 100th time, we were off. The driver made small talk along the way.

"So, where are you from?"

"Newcastle, we are down here visiting a friend," I replied, he was really nice.He looked in his mid 30's with brownish blonde hair, he was slightly on the chubby side.He had bags under his eyes and this was an idication he had been working a lot lately.

"Oh, so how long are you here for?"

"A month," Emily said smiling, she was so happy that we were staying so long.

"You two look very young, are you here alone?"

"Well yeah, we're on our first holiday alone!" Emily said again.

"I'm 17 and she's 18." I said pointing to me and then Emily, "I think we are old enough?"

"Shouldn't you be in school?" He said looking at us through the mirror.

"Well I went to college after I finished school, when I was 16, but I didn't like what I was studying so I dropped out and I am going back in a year? I think?" I realied how much I was telling him when Emily gave me the 'wide-eye-stare', but I wasn't to bothered because he was nice to talk to.

"Mmm," He sighed, I was quite worried because he couldn't keep his eyes open properly during the whole drive, but we still managed to make it to the hotel without dying.

On the way we passed a huge crowd of people, some how the driver knew what it was for.

"That new band Little Mix, are having an after party and all of those girls are lining up to get in!" He told me when he saw the confused look on my face, they have to line up?

"My daughter is in there, she said that One Direction might be going so they are all trying to get tickets?" As soon as he said that I looked at Emily, and I could tell she knew what I was thinking. One Direction, are going to be in the same party that we are going to!

'But only maybe!' Emily mouthed, my heart sank a little, Hope fully...

We reached the hotel and the driver offered us a hand but he looked to tired and this was his last shift (He told us), I just wanted him to go home and rest. I know I barely knew him but I am quite caring of others, but only if they are nice to me or one of my friends and family.

"Bye!" I waved as he drove off.

I turned to look at the 'Gigantic' hotel. It was really big, and when I say big, I mean massive! I had seen buildings/hotels as big as this before, but I never had enough money to even stay in the for one night. My dad wouldn't pay for me either, so that made all of my chances weaker.

"Wow!" Was all I could say when I walked through the giant door. The lobby had I high roof and the walls were a burgendy colour. The floors were cream which meant I left marks all over the floor.

"Excuse me!" The now impatient lady at the desk almost growled, I heard her the first 5 times. I just choose to ignore her, I was stunned by the size of this place- It must have been expensive!

"Sorry," I smiled, she pursed her lips.

"We here for Perrie?" I didn't expect her to know what we were talking about, but she did. She typed a couple of things down then gave us the keys, "Room 256!" Barked at me with her sweet posh voice. She was very thin and she had brown hair tied very tightly in a bun. I could tell she looked down on us.

I thanked her, not meaningfully, then headed up to our room. I was so tired I didn't even pay attention to the detail in the rooms. I didn't even unpack, the satirs were very tiring and the lift/elevator was out of order. So we walked the whole way, which also added on to the tiredness of waking up 4 hours after you had fallen asleep because you were so excited to go on your first holiday alone.

All I knew about this room so far was that there was a bed, and I did intend to use it.

"I'm having a nap, I said to Emily. Her Bed looked just like mine (King sized bed with cream and burgendy bed sheets) and it was right next to mine. She started to unpack but when she saw I didn't bother she just threw her bag on the floor and went to sleep like me.

This time I wasn't woken up by a bum in the face, or sound of Emily's voice. My alarm on my phone- Which I had set before going to sleep- played Gotta Be You loudly. It was 3:30, I was happy to have slept so long and I felt refreshed.

Being the clean freak I am I took ANOTHER shower, woke Emily up by jumping on to her bed. REVENGE!

I had loads of time so I decided to un pack then get dressed for tonight, and I tried extra hard to look good just incase 'You know who' were actually going to be there. I couldn't even say their name other wise I would end up an emotional wreck, nearly crying with excitment and happiness. I know it sound pretty pathetic but its One Direction!

Oh, please be there tonight I crossed my fingers and prayed. Then I went back to getting dressed...


So here's chapter 2, hope you liked it and I'm sorry for the cover photo but it's only temporary untill I get the actual one! It's ready to use but I don't have a computer/laptop to use at the moment but it will be sorted soon! :) Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I'm writing this on my phone, please tell me if you spot any so I can correct them right away!

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