A failed confession?

475 24 13

" thoughts". «speaking»
I don't own the picture. All credits to the artist.
" Good grief " Saiki said, witnessing a weird scene in front of him.

Earlier he heard Akechi cry for help, he didn't think much of it and got back into eating his jelly coffee.
He then remembered that the last time Akechi asked for help he ended up destroying a whole classroom. using clairvoyance, Saiki spotted his childhood friend in a really dark place and tied up to a chair. The psychic teleported immediately, worried (not that he will admit that). He was in Toritsuka's bedroom. Switching on the light, he got genuinely surprised with what he saw.

"Good grief "
«-Saiki?!» Akechi asked/ cried, looking like he was about to cry.
" What happened here? "

Let's say it, Akechi never felt so embarrassed in his entire life. He was wearing a cute pink dress with little ribbon bows on the hem of the skirt. The same type of bow in his hair, for Saiki, he was looking pretty cute (something he will not admit too).

Akechi was awfully quiet. Thé espère glanced at his face and saw him blushing real hard. Understanding that he won't have any answer from that blushing mess he just focused on his thoughts. At first, it was really messy, because it's Akechi, and he began to make sense of his constant rambling.

" If I catch this pervert he is going to rejoice the dead people he speaks to " "Oh my god I didn't want Saiki to see me like that! what did I do to deserve this! " "If it wasn't because I am embarrassed I'd be talking like usual" "Toritsuka I'm going to kill you" "Why did I listen to his twisted confession plan? I look so ridiculous now that I won't have any chance with Saiki anymore" "for once this book on torture is going to be helpful"

Saiki stopped because Akechi's mind is really a torture to read with how much he thinks and also because he got the pieces of information he wanted.
So to put it in a nutshell, Akechi is in this situation just because he wanted to confess his feelings for him?

If I tell you the psychic was blushing you won't believe me.

He untied Akechi, teleported in order to kidnap Toritsuka so the guy could witness his entire collection of erotics magazine being burnt. Toritsuka was crying for his loss. " you deserve it pervert".
Anyway, Saiki got back home and brought Akechi with him.

«It was a really weird plan I know not as weird as Toritsuka's habitual plans. let's say I was really desperate. also I didn't know how to proceeds with my newfound feelings for you. I always admired you, you know? You were always so cool and calm. And you are like a superhero with super cool superpower! that was a lot of super in one sentence sorry. I'm kinda nervous. I never knew wearing a dress would be something that can embarrass me but here I am. anyway li- »

Saiki cut him off with a soft kiss. (You can pinpoint the exact moment I began fangirling lol).
Surprised, his eyes were wide open. But as Saiki stayed longer he shut them and enjoyed the feeling.
Saiki stared at him before he lightly chuckled. He kissed the blond boy's forehead and sat on the bed eating a coffee jelly. Akechi stood there still overwhelmed, not even registering that it is the first time he ever heard his crush laugh.

He was put out of his dreamland by the psychic:
«Akechi? come here, he said taping the place next to him. The blond head did as told.
-It feels weird to hear your voice out loud.»
Saiki raised an eyebrow, bemused, "I can keep talking like this if you prefer"
«Noooo pleaaasseee»

Kusuo really laughed this time and it sounded like the most beautiful thing for Akechi as he was admiring him like a star.

«Sooo... are we boyfriend or?
- I thought it was clear but yes you are officially my boyfriend now, Saiki said smiling.
- Yes!
- You look cute in that dress by the way, he snickered

They passed the afternoon sharing a lot of coffee jelly and other sweets while watching films and cuddling.


I needed to write this because the feeeeellls.

A failed confessionWhere stories live. Discover now