Levi x Reader

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He hadn't moved from his office for weeks. Losing his squad was hard for him but losing you....that was a whole other thing altogether. Levi was not a man to show his emotions, often hardly ever but when he was around you he felt the urge to smile and show emotions. Not much changed though from his usual demeanour, yes he smiled more often than not but he was still the same Levi Heichou.

How he wished that you had never had this terrible end. He longed to hold you in his arms once again, to kiss your perfectly shaped lips until you were out of breath and to fall asleep with you held firmly against his chest.

Alas, he would never get to do that again much to his despair. The memory was still fresh in his mind. He was flying through the air on his 3DMG when he saw it.


Levi flew through the air effortlessly when he saw a horrid sight below him. Not wasting any time, he landed before his squad. No emotions showed on his face but he was breaking on the inside. these were his only friends, not that he would ever admit that, after Isabel and Farlan passed and here he was losing his friends yet again.

He looked around for you and felt his heart shatter when he spotted your cold. Non-moving corpse. Your uniform was soaked in your own blood.
He dashed over to you and held your face in his hands as he scanned your face.

"(Y-Y/N)." He whispered out. his face showed what he was feeling clearly. Fear, hurt, grief, horror and most importantly anger.

Your face had tear stains on it and your face was frozen in a pained expression. You couldn't even have a painless death.

"God dammit (Y/N)." He hissed out. The female Titan had thrown you against the tree you were slumped against, breaking bones and tearing skin open.

"We were supposed to get through this together. We were supposed to live by the sea like you told me you wanted to do when all of this was over. That was the one promise I asked you to keep."

He choked on his words as tears fell from his usually glaring eyes that were now filled with so much pain.

"I promise you (Y/N), I will succeed in killing them all and completing your dream of living by the sea. I will find you again, just promise me that you will still love me. That's all I ask of you." He whimpered out.

Leaning in he pressed his slightly chapped lips to your cold ones.

*End of Flashback*

His head hit the table as exhaustion finally got the better of him. He fell asleep with his dreams plagued of you.


He stood still, looking around him wondering where he was when you appeared before him with a soft smile on your face clean of blood and injuries.

His eyes widened and he wasted no time in pulling you into his arms breathing in your familiar scent that he had missed so much.

He buried his head into your neck and felt no shame in the fact that he was crying.

He didn't give a damn, he was holding you in his arms once more and never wanted to leave.

He pulled back and uncertainly placed his hands on your cheeks, staring into your eyes that were lined with tears."Please tell me that it's you." He asked.

You nodded your head and smiled brightly. He smashed his lips into your own and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him. Your hands cupped the back of his neck as you kissed back with equal softness to his kiss.

Tears now flowed freely from your eyes as you pulled back from one another.

"It's me Levi. I'm fine before you ask." You stated with a light chuckle as he looked into your eyes.

You were so beautiful to him. God, he missed just looking at your beautiful face.

He ran his thumbs over the top of your cheek bones as you leaned into his touch. You stepped back from him and walked over to where his lost squad now stood. All of them with the Wings of Freedom sprouted out of their backs, one wing blue and another pure white.

Oluo, Gunther, Eld and Petra all smiled at him as he stared in shock. You turned to face him and he watched as two wings now sprouted from your own back.

"Just promise me one thing Levi. Promise me that you will come and find me when it is your true time and not a moment sooner. Then we can be together." You asked.

He nodded his head with a pure smile on his face which you then mirrored.

Levi's lost squad then turned and walked away with you following. You all turned around and waved to him with smiles on your faces as you all faded away.

At least now, you were flying with the Wings of Freedom and happy.


AHHHH. Is it alright if I cry over this?

Oh my freckled Jesus am I sorry. I hate myself for doing this. ugh

I don't know why but I can write really angsty fics better than normal ones.

Did I say how sorry I was for writing this. God I'm sorry. I just got this idea when I was sitting in my room drawing and this is what happened.

Yep, Annie killed you and the rest of the Levi squad (apart from Eren since he's the main character and can't have shit happen to him).

Thought that I'd use that to my advantage and write a one-shot out of it. *SOBS*




Levi X Reader - Wings of FreedomWhere stories live. Discover now