3. Terrible Twosome

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Rushing past the crowds of people I pushed my way to the front quite easily, following after the fast paced boys. "Fred, George!" my voice called out desperately, just say grabbing their attention.
"Yes?" they replied in unison, stopping in their tracks and turning to face me.
"I need your help," I gave them a cheeky grin as swarms of students manoeuvred around us.
"Come with us!" Fred smiled, beginning to lead us all through the busy hallways and to a secluded spiral stairwell.

"What do you need Miss Green?" George asked in a sing-song tone.
"Well as you guys obviously know, it's my birthday in four weeks," I started.
"We're really excited," they spoke at the same time, an eager grin plastered onto each of their faces.
"Well you heard there before lunch, the teachers found out about the common room parties but luckily I've thought of a good and very secret place, I just need to sneak around the castle to get everything organised," I explained to them, a puzzled luck on their faces.
"Freddy the map!" George suddenly squealed, causing Fred to rake round his deep robe pockets.
"Got it," he nodded, reaching forward and giving me a dusty piece of parchment.
"Guys this is no good!" I groaned.
"Just watch," George smiled, clearly chuffed with himself.
"I solemnly swear I am up to no good," as Fred spoke the nine words the parchment in my hands transformed, letters appearing on the front. Being curious I decided to take a peek inside, opening the folds I was presented with a map.
"This, it's Hogwarts," I briefly looked up at them.
"And that's Dumbledoore, pacing around his office," George pointed at the map which showed a set of feet, pondering back and forth.
"Guys this is perfect thank you!" I leaned forward and pulled them into a hug.
"Once you're done with it say mischief managed," Fred's words once again caused a reaction to the parchment although this time the words faded leaving a plank page.
"Right I'll see you guys later, I've got some serious planning to do," I shot a simple smirk at them, strutting away with my robe trailing behind me.


The library was quiet on this day, the majority of students socialising in the great hall. I however was tasked with the job of helping a silly boy with his homework.
"So what about turning somebody into a ferret?" he giggled, his voice quiet yet audible as we were in the library.
"Cedric no!" I giggled along, trying to stay focused.
"Look I only have two more questions and I have transfiguration tomorrow second lesson so I'll just finish these questions off tonight in the common rooms," he somewhat pleased.
"Fine, you've won," I sighed, still smiling at him.
"I can't believe it's so quiet, there is usually a bunch of first years messing about thinking they're cool enough for wizard battles," Cedric rolled his eyes as he spoke, first years had always gotten on his nerves.
"Oh yeah I have an update on my party," I reached into my pocket pulling out the large parchment.
"Lana, it's plain paper," Cedric laughed at me.
"It's not just any paper, I can make it show me where everyone is at all times; it is amazing trust me!" my words pouring into his ears like golden string. He seemed so incredibly excited for my party in fact even more excited than I was.

"Oh that's brilliant! Have you found the room of requirement yet?" he asked, genuinely intrigued.
"No, I haven't," a tone of sadness hung in my voice. After picking up my saddened voice Cedric turned me to face him, pulling me into a big hug and saying, "look you'll eventually find it I promise!" I could feel him smiling into the side of my head. Cedric gave some of the best hugs, he was warm, taller than me and so lovable, I was so lucky to have a friend like him.

"I finished the guest list!" Cedric nudged my head after giving his good news.
"Ah good, let me see?" he slipped out a small notebook from his satchel and placed it onto the old wooden table. I skimmed through the names, my brain processing if they were people I actually liked. Cho yes, Cedric yes, Fred and George  yes, Ron yes, Neville yes, Luna yes, Julia yes, Blaise yes, Dean yeah I suppose, Harry, what HARRY!
"Why is Potter on the list?" I tried to be calm when speaking but I doubt it worked.
"Oh I'm er I'm so sorry I just wrote everyone's names and just crossed off people you don't like," Cedric explained, taking a pen out form his pocket and preparing himself to scribble out the name of the boy who lived.
"Wait!" I squeaked out, indecisive as ever.
"What?" He asked obviously confused.
"Keep him on the list it could be interesting having him at the party," my rational brain was screaming at me but I couldn't fight off the curiosity.
"You're one strange girl Lana," Cedric jokingly mocked me.
"Says you Diggory!" I chuckled back.
"What are you two still doing in 'ere," our attention was grasped by Filch staring at us furiously.
"Studying what else do you think," I spat.
"You're late to your lessons, really late," Filch grumbled, clearly unimpressed with us.
"We're sorry sir, it won't happen again," Cedric being the polite boy he was apologised, picking up our things and guiding me out the library.

We paced quickly down the corridors, desperately trying to find our way to lessons in the fastest way possible. Cedric was in the year above so he left to go to his own lesson as I made my way to defence against the dark arts. I liked most of my classes but there was an ever so present rumour going around that we had a new teacher. Luplin or something weird like that. My thoughts occupied me while my feet had carried me right outside of the classroom. Great I was most definitely late.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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