Wolf Kuroo

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Name: Wolf Kuroo
Known Aliases: Okami
Preferred Name: Okami
Job: Female Guard
Building: Four

Gender: Female
Age: Eighteen
Height: 6'0
Weight: 140 Pounds
Ethnicity: Japanese
Species: Quarter Human, Half Sky Elf, quarter Demon- Powers unknown.

Physical Description: Wolf is described as a long blue haired female with a left purple eye. Her right eye is missing, and there is a large scar on the right side of her face. She has pale skin with a faint tan. She has a very tall yet thin build, and she sports unnoticeable muscles. She tends to wear a scarf to hide her expressions. Her guard uniform is modified, with the main part of it white with a red and white web-like design around the collar. She also wears leather armor on both of her arms, with the top part ending below her shoulders and the bottom part ending in a v, the bottom of the v being at the base of her middle finger. One of the leather "Sleeves" has a white four on it, while the other has a red phoenix-looking symbol on it, both of these at the top of the "sleeves". She has two swords strapped to her legs, and carries a collapsible bow and a quiver of arrows- See "Skills" for more info.
Personality Description: Wolf is described as a quiet, calm person. She barely speaks. She is adaptable. She also has the ability to use items in ways they were not designed for. She gets her work done quickly, and doesn't leave details out of reports. In a fight, if she is involved in one, she uses her flexible fighting style to defeat her opponent. She is kind when she needs to be, but scary if angered. Asking about love interests will get you sent to the hospital. She is very obedient.

Status: Alive
Relationship Status: Single
              Note: Do not ask about any love interests. Not even Hajime can get away without a scratch.
Position If In A Relationship: Bottom

Likes: Wolf likes chocolate, anime, writing, reading, and cats. She also enjoys making poisons and medicine with plants.
DIslikes: People asking about her love life. Unknown if she doesn't like anything else.
Enemies: Unknown.
Rivals: Unknown.

Skills: Wolf is skilled at making poisons and medicines, and she can turn her poisons and medicines into gases. Wolf puts the medicine and poisons she makes into arrows for quick delivery of her medicines/poisons. Wolf is a extremely skilled archer, able to shoot accurately from 200 meters away from her target. She also makes use of her swords in two ways; Duel wielding and connected by their "screw" ended handles. She also is very skilled in dealing strong and accurate kicks that can either knock people out or send them flying back (She uses this more often on larger opponents. It is suggested not to ask her to use her kicks on small opponents for safety). Wolf is also skilled in making disguises. Wolf can pick locks if needed.

Extra: Wolf has sensitive hearing. She grew up in the mountains of China, but isn't Chinese. Her teeth are sharper and her ears are pointed, though both of these features are hidden by an illusion.

Date of Report: June 20th.

Momoko puts the report of a new guard down on her desk as she hears a knock on her door. She clears her throat. "Come in," She says calmly. She looks at the door as it opens and a girl with blue hair that reaches her mid back walks into her office. The girl matches the description the report gave of Wolf. 

"Hello, ma'am," The blue-haired girl says softly as she bows. Momoko notes that the girl is keeping her voice quiet and calm.

"You must be Wolf, correct?" Momoko asks the girl. The girl, Wolf, nods. As she does, Momoko notices that Wolf's hair is not a solid blue; it is streaks of light and dark blue. "You are aware of what building you are assigned to, correct?" It is hard for Momoko to keep her voice stern. There is something about Wolf that makes her unusually calming. Wolf nods once again. "What does "Quarter demon and half Sky Elf" mean?" Momoko reads off of the report.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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