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-Hinata's pov-

"Hey when do you think they'll be done with practice?" Ash asked, taking out a cold soda from the ice chest they brought. "It'll take more than twenty minutes" Yuu said also grabbing a soda "So to pass time we can play a game or two" he continued and sat back down next to me. "Games get boring though" Shade said, I sighed knowing Kenma would come to get us soon.

After a few minutes I heard someone coming through the bushes. "Shoyo, Noya! We need to get back to practice!" Kenma yelled with Tanaka behind him. "Yeah, I know. Did they stop arguing at least?" I asked while getting up, they both nodded. "Let's go Yuu!" I said and grabbed his hand following Kenma who was walking away.

-Time skip-

When we walked in the gym Suga and Daichi were giving us disappointed looks. We just ignored it and went to go practice, which suprised them quite a bit. "There's a reason we left, so don't give us disappointed looks if you don't know why" I said and went to go practice with the others.

-Time skip- (Sorry I don't feel like writing more on that)
-Noya's pov-

Sense practice was over, Shoyo and I (Kenma and Rin where going on a date) were walking back to the cliff to meet with the others to find out what we were going to do.

"Hey guys! We're going to the beach" Rose said walking over to us with the others. "Sounds good! We'll take our own cars" Shoyo said and started walking back to the car. "How was practice? I mean I'm sure the captains were a bit upset" Shade said holding the ice chest. We all split up into our own conversations after a bit and finally got back to the cars.

-Time skip-

Everyone got out of their cars and walked to the water. "I'm guessing you guys aren't going to go in the water much" Ivy said putting her hair in a ponytail while walking in the water. "Yeah, we'll go in later" I said and sat in the sand with Shoyo. "Hey Sho, I wrote a song for you" I said blushing a bit and gave him the notebook I wrote the song in (song at the top, I don't feel like writing the lyrics)

After he finished reading all of it he looked at me blushing furiously. I laughed quietly and smiled took the notebook back. "Why for me though?" He said clearly confused. "It mean he li-" Ivy put a hand over her brothers mouth before he could say anymore. "Yuu, do you know what he was going to say?" He said very confused at what I meant now. "Yeah but I'll tell you later" I said leaning on him slightly. He nodded and stayed close to me watching the horizon.

After a few hours the sun set so we decided to start a small bonfire to stay warm. "I didn't expect you guys to still be here" I turned around and saw Rin with Kenma hugging his arm. "I didn't either, but look where I am" Shade said sarcastically. "You and saltyshima would be friends probably" I said making the others laugh. We sat there telling 'scary' stories, by the time they were finished Shoyo was asleep. "Noya do you know how to drive?" I nodded my head and got up while carrying Sho back to the car. 'Guess I'll take him to my place for the night' I thought and placed him in the passenger carefully, I walked to the other side and started the car after getting in.

I unlocked to door to my house while carrying Shoyo cause I didn't want to wake him, though he woke up when we were going up the stairs. "Hi, how'd you sleep?" I said and opened my bedroom door. "Good, but where are we?" He replied curiously, I sat him on my bed and gave him clothes he could sleep in. "My place, you fell asleep and I don't have a key for your house so I brought you here" I explained and went to sit next to him, I laid my head on his shoulder and laced our fingers together.

"Yuu" He said quietly while looking though music on his phone, I hummed to show I was listening, he turned off his phone and looked at me. "Was the song you wrote for me a confession?" He asked, I smiled "Mhm, did you like it?" I asked and grabbed his phone to look for music.

He smiled and nodded. "Soo.. do you want to be my boyfriend?" I said looking away from him to hide the blush on that found it way to my cheeks. "Of course! Why did you think I've been hanging out with you more than the others?" He said, I put the pieces together and smiled brightly after finding out why.

"I thought you just didn't want to hangout with them" I said quietly turning back to him, he giggled and hugged my side. "I'm surprised it took you that long to figure it out" I said while playing with his fluffy hair. "Actually I figured it was I just didn't want to ask in front of the others" he said quietly while leaning into my touch making me laugh quietly. He looked up and me, we shared a short but sweet kiss. He quickly looked away blushing furiously.

And I have writers block.. again. But! I'm not giving up on this book! The writers block does mean I won't be updating as often though so please be patient! Anyways have a wonderful day or night!!

 But! I'm not giving up on this book! The writers block does mean I won't be updating as often though so please be patient! Anyways have a wonderful day or night!!

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