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I strolled my way towards the guest lounge where someone was looking for me.

Ryujin said she was wearing red.

The very first person I saw wearing one was already talking to a  colleague of mine so she wasn't it.

I looked around and caught someone waving at my direction, she was wearing red, she was looking directly at me.

I walked towards where she was sitting, as I did that her face became clearer, she looks like that woman from the mall who tried to hug and kiss me.

I frowned but sat in front of her, I didn't say anything and waited for her.

"You were so hard to find y'know? I came here a few days ago looking for you but no one told me anything." She took a sip from her beverage that I guess she bought earlier.

"I know I overstayed at New York, but Mom and Dad forced me okay? When can we even tell them about us?" She asked reaching for my hand but I dodge her attempt.

She frowned. "I guess you were mad at that right? Me overstaying, that's why you weren't at your apartment. But then the last time I was there your stuff was missing."

I decided to speak up, "I kinda moved out.. I'm guessing you're my friend?"

She frowned, visibly upset, "What the hell are you talking about? I'm your girlfriend."

"I think you've mistaken, I'm married." I told her.

So this is my mistress? Mina's way more beautiful and doesn't have a spoil mouth.

She scoffed, "What the heck is happening with you? Did you hit your head or something? You are gonna get divorced with that witch any-"

I stood up, "I'm sorry but if you are just gonna speak ill of my wife, then I don't have time for you and your nonsense. Good day." I said bowing a bit to her before leaving.

From the looks of it, this wouldn't be the last, she'll butt in my life again and try to ruin it.

For now walking away from her is the best choice, especially since we're in public. But I'll fix it, maybe before me and Mina go to our vacation.

I walked passed by Ryujin in our department talking to another inter whom I think her name is Shin Yuna, I waved at her before continuing my way to my office.

When I got in I stop dead in my tracks when I saw someone sitting on my recliner chair.

"Hi." She smiled.

I blinked trying to regain from the sudden surprise before smiling back at her as I closed the door behind me.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

She shrugged, "To visit my husband of course."

"I was already on my way here when we talked on the phone. Where were you by the way?" She asked.

"Uh..." I gulped, "I took a walk outside."

She nodded, understanding.

I sat on the guest chair in front of my table as I look at my wrist watch, "It's almost 4."

"How about we head to the supermarket to buy groceries? Ryujin said I usually get off work by 4." She nodded.

"Alright, I just need to go to my supervisor, I have to talk about him about something, then we'll go." She nodded again.

"Alright, I'll clean your desk up." She tapped on my desk that was very untidy.

I looked at her apologetically, "It's okay." She assured me.

I gave her one last look before I left.

After my business, we went to the supermarket and bought stuff.

I pushed the cart while she put stuff there, but every time she wants something and it's way too high for her to reach she commands me to get it for her and I comply.

When we went home, we cooked together, every time I mess up she scolds me and softly slap my arm and I just laugh at her every time she does so since she's way too cute when she's mad.

You should see her being like that, she's too cute. Too bad you can't, sad.

Dinner was quieter than usual since C/n isn't here, but we had a comfortable silence between us, it was a good moment with her.

Then bed time came, she basically forced me to shower before bed since I was too lazy to do so, but she threatened that I'll sleep on the couch if I don't go shower so I did.

I was ready to sleep but Mina was still playing a game on her phone, I wanted to cuddle with her but she had her entire focus on the stupid game.

So I just laid there looking at the ceiling.

"You should sleep." I heard her say.

I looked at her direction, she was still playing the game, "You should too."

"I will, in a moment."

"Then I won't sleep." I said acting like a child.

She sighed, I guess she paused her game before she looked at me.

I thought she was mad but she just reached out to grab my arm and pulling me closer.

"Just sleep, I'll just finish a couple of levels then I'll immediately sleep." She said, she seemed serious so I just nodded.

"Can I hug you at least?" She nodded and I immediately hugged her.

She continues to play while I slowly went to sleep.

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