The entry of Gunalp bey

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For lots of years the kayi tribe didn't get attacked.
(Drums) Hayme Ana and Halime come out of the tent and see who came . Turgut: Oh, it's Gunalp bey,  welcome back. Bamsi: welcome Gunalp bey. Hayme: Welcome. Halime: welcome .
Gunalp: Thank you Hayme Hatun and Halime Hatun and Turgut and Bamsi Alp.
Ertugrul:Who came mother,oh it's you Gunalp welcome.
Gunalp: Thank you Ertugrul bey ,why are you not getting attacked by any  traitors.
Ertugrul: Because we got rid of all the enemies.
Gunalp:Oh nice to hear that.
Ertugrul smiles.

Ertugrul and the  disappeared man of seoson 4 Noyan and Gunalp Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin