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HARRY strated rubbing circles on my pussy.(i feel so dirty writing this !!!)

HARRY sucking my neck harshly. Omg it hurts like hell !!!!!!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"i scream in as Harry puts a finger in my pussy. Fuck!!!!!! I want to go home!!!!!! I mean like it hurts like hhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!

1hour later#########

Harry stop sucking my neck harshly. He did the next worst thing u can do to a girl.

U know how you are walking pass a bar at night fill with drunk people  and you feel like some one watching you. Next thing u know is that u are pulled into to a dark alley way getting raped by some creep. That's how i right now.

I think u know what he is doing to me right now.

I pass out I'm so tired. The last thing remember was HARRY saying "your mine now. I've MARKED you. No man would dare TO look at u like i do."

MINE(h.s werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now