Brahms Heelshire x Reader(not recomended)

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Please understand I only did this and the next one since nobody recomended yet. Thank you and enjoy. =w=

You have been offered a job as a nanny for a boy named Brahms. You flew to England in order to escape your abusive ex, (your ex's name or cole) and take the job. You finally made it to the estate having been told how the family was like and why long before the trip by your cousin.

She had recommended you do too how helped, caring, and considerate you have been known to be. Your personally excited yet nervous of the idea of taking care of a doll. You wanted to be presentable in order to give a good impression.

Entering the building you realize that you can't seem to find the owners, Miss and Mr Heelshire. You can't have you to wait and call out for them. Eventually they come down the stairs to greet you seeming pleased that you stayed put, rather than wondered about. You give them a smile and introduce yourself, "hello! My name is y/n, I'm here for the nanny job?"

The smile. "Yes right this way," they say trying to hide their excitement.

You almost can't help noticing how fake their smiles are but you brush it off as they're just haven't had a vacation in a long while. They lead you to the room for their sweet child explaining the rules on the way up the stairs. Explaining how they'll give a copy of said rules along with instructions on how to take care of Brahms.

As you entered the room you saw on the old wooden rocking chair porcelain doll. Appeared of that as a young boy, life-sized. You were a bit nervous having never taken care of a doll before. You walk up to him after his parents motion towards him. Gently holding his hand you greet him." Hello Brahams. I'll be your new nanny."

They smile at how you react. "We best get going to make it to the plane," Miss Heelshire says quietly. Mr Heelshire nods and they begin to prepare to leave.

You pick up brahms gently setting him on your hip following to the doorway. The aged couple looks at their aged home one last time. Miss Heelshire walks to you hugging both you and the doll. She surprised and confused you as she simply whispered, " I'm sorry...." pulling away and getting to the car.

You walk back into the house puzzled what she could if ment. You shake it off and pick up the list of rules and things you must do. Saying the time you skip to the bedtime story picking up one from the library and walking up the stairs.

You go to his room and prepare him for bed by changing him to his pajamas as the list says to. You lay him in bed and begin to read the random book you picked up.

*time skip because idk what book to put*

You had finished around 2 and a half chapters, settling it was time to stop. You get up and feel you are forgetting something. In a general tone, having not expected a reply, you simply say," now if I forget something please, don't hesitate to tell me."

You started to walk to the door when you hear a faint childish voice. "Kiss...."

You hardly heard it turning around with a confused 'hmmm?'. Slightly louder you hear again a child like voice, "Kiss. You forgot the goodnight kiss."

You are confused as to who is speaking, assuming it was the spirit of the dead child you apologised quietly. "I'm sorry I did didn't I?"

You walk back over to the bed kneeling from your previous (height) generally kissing his cheek and getting up. "Thank you for telling me."

You smile down at him and walk out turning the light off as you leave.

Ok so I plan on a part 2 if people want one that goes more in depth and showing more to happen. I personally wrote it to make the reader a calm person but if asked I can make them shy or unbelieving. I felt it would be best to start simple though. The next one will hopefully come out tomorrow depending if I remember or get a request.

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