Origin (C1 P1)

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Ellmus was standing at the destination that everyone else was supposed to be. He yawned, it was 10 minutes past 7, they were 20 minutes late.

"Ugh, I knew they wouldn't come, so busy and-" Ellmus said before spotting Tokeny. "Ugh Tokeny what took you so long." Ellmus complained. "Geez, it's not easy walking to the center of the city." Tokeny defended "Ugh whatever, I just don't know why we're doing this again." Ellmus stated. "We're removing the doggus orb." Tokeny told Ellmus

Ellmus and Tokeny stared at the orb. "Why do we need to remove it again, what's wrong with having it here." Ellmus asked not even looking at Tokeny. "Well, since people have powers here, that ups the crime level, I don't know if you've been seeing the news, but crime rate has gone up by 48%" Tokeny told Ellmus. "Yeah, but you think 5 people can remove this orb, it's like in the center of the town, and it weighs tens of thousands of pounds, plus don't you remember what happens when you touch it." Ellmus told Tokeny. Tokeny rolled her eyes. 

"Unlike you, I have a plan, we just need to wait for the others." Tokeny told Ellmus. "Fine." Ellmus said as they both sat near the wide alleyway next to there drug store.

5 minutes later

"Hey look, it's WT." Ellmus said pointing to a walkie-talkie. "Hey guys what's up." WT said. "You're late." Ellmus told WT. "Well cut me some slack, homework." WT said defending himself. "Do you all have to have horrible excuses." Ellmus said seeming tired. "Ugh, I have to be home in 10 minutes, they need to hurry." Tokeny complained. 

Post-It, the future host of AOB, came out looking nervous. "Guys, I really don't think today is a great day." Post-It said. "Do you have an excuse as well?" Ellmus asked angrily. "No, I was just playing some games." Post-It admitted shyly. "Great." Ellmus said. "Where is Ramen?" WT asked. "Not here yet." Ellmus said. "Are you sure about that?" a voice asked.

"Oh hey ramen!" Tokeny said waving. Ramen floated down onto the ground. Ramen used his powers to summon a ball of bread to eat. "Ok great, finally we're all here." Ellmus said starting to become ticked off. "Ok so let's talk about this ball." Tokeny started

The 5 of them started talking about the ball, but soon they went off, talking about themselves, their families, the world, joking around, their favorite foods, and went on for hours.

4 hours later

"Hey wake up!" A deep voice said as it kicked tokeny. Tokeny woke up, stood up and stretched, she put her hands down and realized she was still at the center of the city.

She opened her eyes and saw a tall spoon police officer stare at her. "What are you kids doing, it's forbidden to be here past 11 o'clock." The tall spoon instructed. "We're so sorry sir, we were just snoozing, please don't arrest us." Post-It said. "As if I care about you kids, I'm only doing it because I can't afford to see another crime, go home." The tall spoon instructed. Ramen was still asleep. "Ugh, I hate this place, we're getting this doggus junk out of here I tell you guys, and we'll be free to do what we want!" Tokeny said proudly. "Honestly, what effect do we have here, we're just a bunch of kids." Ellmus said. "Ok, I'm gonna head out, bye guys." WT said as he turned into a grey spark and floated in the sky towards his apartment building. "Yeah see ya." Post-It said, turning into a white spark and going to the first floor of another apartment building. "I guess I'll stay with you, I have nothing better to do." Ellmus said. "Don't you have parents to go to?" Tokeny asked slightly puzzled. "Eh, but, I'm not gonna leave you here alone, I mean, it's not like you have a family to go to or anything." Ellmus said. Tears started to form out of her eyes

"I told you not to mention them!" Tokeny said as she hid her face in her knees. Her loud yell woke up ramen. "Oh it's time to go, ok bye guys." Ramen said. Ramen turned into an orange spark and also seemed to fly somewhere else. 

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