Chapter 1

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"Rose, please go to the dance with me!" My best friend Delilah begged from across the room on my bed. "Dude it's honestly going to be boring! There is no point in going." I protested walking to the bed and sitting on the edge.

"I feel like it could be fun! Please go with me. I don't want to go alone!" 

"Fine I'll go; if you're paying!" I said half joking.

"Okay! I'll buy the tickets during homeroom on Monday!" 

"Dang it! I thought you'd say no!" Part of me was kind of excited to go. 

Delilah began laughing at me and I flicked her nose. "Ow!" She squealed out sticking her tongue out at me. "Do you mind if I stay the night, my dad is bringing over his new girlfriend, Jenny and I cannot stand her or her daughter." She asked rolling off my bed onto her feet.

"No...I don't want you here! Leave now!" I said sarcastically.

She dramatically put a hand to her heart and scoffed, sounding hurt and stormed out of my room shouting "Fine!" Seconds later she returned and mumbled "I forgot my shoes..." I looked over and laying in a pile was her red TOMs. I began laughing so hard I couldn't breath. "You're such a loser!" I said between breaths.

She glared at me and stuck out her tongue. "Will it make you feel better if, I buy you an ice cream?" A smile spread across her face and she squealed like a little girl! I slipped my boots on over my skinny jeans and a flannel over my tank top. I pulled my long purple hair into a high ponytail. 

"We're going to get ice cream!" Delilah sang dancing through the hallway. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the keys to my black ,two door, Ford truck, that my parents gave me for my 17th birthday. I slid into the truck pushing empty soda cans and chip bags onto the floor. "You should really clean your truck out!" Delilah laughed. "Are you kidding me! Have you not seen your truck? It's so much worse than mine!" I protested. 

"Yeah, I know! I'm pretty sure half of Justin's shirts are in my car!" Delilah said laughing. "WHAT ARE MY BROTHERS SHIRTS DOING IN YOUR CAR!" I yelled knowing what she really meant. 

"No not like that! I mean when I borrow his  shirts and hoodies and uhh! She said getting flustered. "Hmm sure it is..." I said teasing her. She put her face in her hands and mumbled "Noooo!" Over and over. I laughed at making my best friend feel awkward. 

We spent the rest of the timing singing so off key it was deafening to 'All About that Bass' by Meghan Trainor and ' Shake it off' by Taylor Swift. 

We pulled up in front of the ice cream shop and Delilah practically threw herself from the car and skipped to the door. I took the keys out of the ignition and the I leaned over and pulled my wallet from the glove compartment laughing at how obnoxious my best friend was. I walked up to the door looking down at my phone at a text from my mom telling me she had to work late on another case and she left some money for Chinese food. My mom kicks ass in the courtroom as a defense attorney while my dad works from home and takes care of my twin brother, Justin, and I. But he's on a business trip in Austin, Texas. Justin and I don't see our parents much since we've gotten older. My mind was caught into thought as I walked through the door, I didn't see a tall guy with his girlfriend right in front of me. And I ran right into him.

"Oh my God! I'm really sorry!" I squealed picking up the sunglasses he had dropped. 

"It's alright." The guy said taking his sunglasses. I smiled awkwardly and stepped aside so him and his girlfriend could leave. The girl glared at me as they walked by. I rolled my eyes and joined Delilah in line. 

"You're so klutzy!" She said. 

"Shut up! I know!" I said elbowing her in the side. 

"I mean at least he was kinda cute!" She added. 

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