Oneshot - A Sensei Always Knows

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Wu and Cole have a... nice little chat.

Listen I need to vent but I don't wanna bother people so here's this I guess just be warned

Trigger warnings: Self harm, suicidal thoughts, ect.

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Sensei Wu liked to think he knew his students.

After all, he had known them for at least 5 years now. It would be a decade soon enough, time seemed to fly.

Being a sensei, he was very good at picking up on small things.

For example, when Zane is nervous, he uses bigger words. The Nindroid usually doesn't do this, due to his data base using more complicated words, most of which the others would not understand, bar Nya and, maybe, Jay. Wu always picked up on this, and always made a mental note to himself to discuss this with Zane. The Nindroid was very good at listening, but not so much talking.

Kai has a habit of dragging his hand across the wall as he walks along the monastery halls. Wu has no clue why he did this, but often times, when he wasn't doing it, he was upset. He also has a habit of messing with his hair constantly when he is nervous. Once again, Wu picks up on these little things easily.

Jay often taps on tables, worktops, and such. It used to annoy Kai to no end, but soon he got used to it. Jay often did little things like that, such as bouncing his leg while sitting, clicking pens repeatedly, and others. It was strange, however, because while most others would not be able to tell, Wu can always tell if it was out of pure boredom, out of nerves, or just something Jay was doing without realising.

Nya and Lloyd were a bit harder to decipher. It was like an ancient scroll. However, Wu finally worked it out. Nya and Lloyd both have a habit of looking at others when they do something, as if wanting to ask if they did something right. Wu knew that they both struggled, and feared not being good enough. Lloyd himself also has a habit of not looking in mirrors, often turning the little table side mirror around. Lloyd has claimed that it was just because when he looked in mirrors, he never saw himself.

Wu also knew that Lloyd was terrified of becoming like his father.

Not that Garmadon was a bad person! Well, before the snake bite, he wasn't. Before, Garmadon was kind, and caring. No, Lloyd was scared of becoming like the evil side of his father. And Sensei Wu completely understood.

Cole, however, was a bit of a mystery.

However, one thing Wu noticed was that Cole hated sleeves. Why? He had no clue. But every time they had training, Cole would roll his gi sleeves up. One time, he couldn't roll the sleeves of one of his older gi's up, so he ended up just tearing them off. That was exactly why Wu had gotten him a sleeveless gi. Of course, Cole still had the old gi, but he hadn't worn it in ages, months, honestly.

So seeing Cole with the old gi was concerning to the elderly man.

As Wu watched Cole spar with Zane, his mind wandered. What had made Cole want to put on the old gi? They were almost identical, with a few minor differences, such as the material and such, but they were still different. Did Cole just feel like an outfit change? Or was there some other reason?

The training went off without a hitch, until Cole was kicked down, landing heavily on his right arm. He hissed, muttering a curse under his breath, which Zane somehow did not hear. That worried the Sensei. Cole never usually swore, unless it was bad, or necessary - which it hardly was, really.

Cole used his scythe as a prop, leaning on it for a second, gritting his teeth, before jumping back into position, continuing his assault on Zane.

Sensei watched, deep in thought.

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