Moons and Werewolf Thoughts

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"Sirius!" Remus yelled from downstairs, "Hurry up! We got to go!"

"Hang on!" Sirius yelled back after a few moments of silence, "I'm busy!"

"Doing what?" replied Remus.

"I'm brushing my hair!" siruis yelled knocking over a lamp upstairs causing a loud thud.

"But, you gonna be in your animagus form! " remus yelled in response with a tone of anoyance. 

"And? It needs to perfect every day, always!" siruis cried admiring his hair in the mirror, posing slightly as he inspected his hair.

"Sirius Orion Black! If you don't come here right now, I will leave without you!" Remus smiled as he heard Sirius banging around upstairs, it was the best threat to get Sirius to hurry up.

"I'm here," gasped Sirius half tumbling and jumping down the stairs, to catch up with Remus, who hadn't shifted an inch.

"Good! Took your time!" Remus said, shaking his head, Sirius smiled before frowning at his boyfriend's pale complexation. he had dark bags under his eyes and his skin was as white as paper. He was leaning heavily against the doorframe, his breath quick and shallow like he had run a marathon as he stared into space.

"Are you OK?" Sirius asked, grasping Remus' hands firmly,

"Yeah, just tired," Remus replied, smiling softly at Sirius.

"I can tell Harry that your too tired and ask if he minds not coming round-" Sirius said.

"No," Remus said cutting him off, "I'm fine!" he said determinedly.

 "L-lets just go, ok?" he said gripping Sirius's hand tighter,

"Ok..." said Sirius unconvinced. Sirius held Remus' hand and opened the door.

"My lady!" Sirius said bowing down suddenly with a smirk planted on his face.

"Shut up!" said Remus rolling his eyes, before walking out the door of their little cottage in the country.

They both walked quickly, Remus looked at the moon and bit his lip staring up at the soon to be the full moon. Secretly he was scared, it wasn't because of the pain of the transformation, he had got used to that a long time ago. It was the fact he could hurt people and the guilt will haunt him for the rest of his life. The werewolf inside off him would come out and hurt other people even Remus himself and it would be him who had to suffer not the werewolf. he'd have to deal with the consequences, no the stupid werewolf inside who had ruined his whole life.

 "We're here," said Sirius, dragging Remus out of his thoughts. Remus winced at the claw marks in the trees from previous visits to this clearing. From here he could get a clearer view of the moon, any minute now and it would be full. 

"Remember, I'm here for you," said Sirius who caressed Remus's cheek leaving a little on his jawline. he then changed into his Animagus, it was a big shaggy black dog with grey eyes, just like Sirius. He sat heavily on the floor staring at Remus with its big saucer eyes. Remus took a deep breath and felt white-hot pain sear through his body, he screamed out loud and collapsed onto the floor.


"Kill the spare."

"Avada Kedavra!"

A blast of green light shot at lightning speed through the night air and struck Cedric directly in his chest. Cedric's body hit the muddy floor his face etched in a look of surprise.

"No, Cedric!" Harry cried, kneeling over his frozen body.

Suddenly unbearable pain hit Harry, he screamed lying down next to Cedric. The pain hit him over and over, it was almost like lightning going through his whole body. His heart was racing, like it was about to burst out his chest, he didn't know how much more he could bare before he would die...

Suddenly Harry sat bolt upright in his bed, Harry was drenched in sweat and his arms were shaking. He ran to his window and threw open his window gulping down lungful's of air as the wind whisked past him. When his heart rate finally went back to a normal pace, he went and sat down on his bed and looked at the time, 3 a.m. Harry paced his room, knowing it could be impossible to get back to sleep now, he walked back over to the window, squinting at the moon.

"Full moon," he muttered under his breath to himself, I hope Remus is okay he thought. He sat staring at the moon for a while before cracking his knuckles, standing up and pulling a thick scrapbook off a shelf, it was full of pictures of his mum and dad. Hagrid had given to him when he was eleven, Harry knew what every photo looked like off by heart, yet he would look at it when he needed some comfort. He slowly flicked through the pages, taking in every detail of every picture.

He looked through it at least a dozen times before closing it with a snap, realizing that the sun was just sneak up over the horizon. Harry stared and the faded pinkish colour lighting up the sky, slowing turning into bright orange and finally yellow. He got off his creaky bed and slowly went downstairs to go and make breakfast for the Dursleys.

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