Angel Academy: Rebirth (1)

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*This is so exciting! A new beginning! The sequel is here! It feels so good to write again. Just like old times. Please give me feedback on this. And of course I'm entering it in the new Watty Awards. Love you guys! ♥ - Brynne*

~Merick's Point of View~

I couldn't help but smile as I wandered the empty halls of Angel Academy. In about two weeks, it would be swarming with students again, ready to start the new year.

"Merick Asher Vincent. Who let you in?" called out a voice. One teeming with arrogance. A voice that seemed to challenge anyone.

"Riley Aiden Harper. We both know I'm here to babysit you," I said, turning to see his gaping face.

"No way! I'm older then you!" he whined. He dropped his bags

"Yeah, by a week. And anyways, we don't want anything exploding again, now do we?" I grinned.

"That was ONE time!" Riley argued. I rolled my eyes and gave him a sincere hug.

"Get off me, meaney," he complained. I shook my head at him.

"How was your summer?" I asked. A sly grin creeped across his face.

"Uh oh. Do I have to do some explaining to Trinity?" I questioned with raised eyebrows. He turned white and shook his head beggingly.

"I'm not THAT stupid!" he sighed, probably imagining the horrible things she would do to him. I admit, I would pay to see that.

"I'm still mad at you by the way. You really should have spent the summer with me," Riley stated. I smiled.

"I know," I replied.

"What the hell were you doing anyways? What's more important then being with your best friend, the sexiest guy on Earth?" he questioned. Once again I rolled my eyes.

What I was actually doing? Work. Finding out as much as I could about Black. And being Headmaster Aaron's assistant. Going on missions with him was definately dangerous and exciting. I could almost see myself calling him Father.

I mean, where else was I supposed to go? I had no family and no home. This was all I had. It's who I am.

My roommate and I began to walk to our dorm. Our slow footsteps echoed. He whistled and sighed.

"So you actually stayed here all summer? Lame. How could you stand it?" he asked, his voice rising at the "agony." I grinned.

"I kinda like it here. Quiet.. beautiful scenery... and no doofuses following me around," I smirked. Riley slugged my arm. We began to bicker, but I stopped dead in my tracks, my body going numb.

"I need you," ordered a voice in my head. Shivers went down my spine. No matter how long I have know him, the Headmaster still creeped me out. It seems like no one knows how he does that.

"I gotta go," I mumbled. Riley murmured something about me being a lunatic. I left him there.

Hurrying to the Headmaster's office, my heart began to beat faster. Did he find anything new? New mission? Why is he calling me?

I cringed as I accidentally slammed his door open. He looked up from his book with curious eyes.

"Merick, that door costs thousands," he lectured.

"Won't happen again Sir," I apologized. The corner of his mouth turned up slightly.

"You're probably wondering why I called you here...." he started.

"Did you find the location? The antidote? What about the...." I blurted out. He shushed me. I bit my tongue.

"None of that. I need you to do me a favor. One that both the school and you need," he beamed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Go get her," he said bluntly, his words cutting through me. Even though what he said was very vague, I knew the exact meaning. My heart stopped. It's been three months yesterday since she left.

"And how am I supposed to do that?" I questioned softly. He looked at me like it was obvious.

"Well you did it once. You can do it again," he said blankly.

"Except now she's a level five fire elementalist," I groaned. He lightly chuckled.

"I think you can handle it. And besides, you can take Riley with you if you want. Knowing him, he's probably bored already..." he murmured. I grinned and stood there, formulating my thoughts.

"Well? Get on with it! She'll have a lot of catching up to do," he ordered. I flinched and bowed deeply and hurried to find Riley. The Headmaster's smile was the last thing I saw before the large door shut on me.

~Emma's Point of View~

I waved happily to my friends as I trudged up the sandy hill. The setting sun shone beautifully across the water. After a ten minute walk I was back at home. The white screen door banged shut loudly after me.

My eyebrows furrowed. Looking at the table, two plates were there that looked like they had been eaten out of. That's weird... Did mom have company over? I saw my mom bustling about in the small kitchen, humming to herself. Why is she so cheerful?

Kicking off my flip flops I went to my room to change. I screamed once I was there.

Laying on my bed was Riley Harper, reading my Twilight book. To the right stood Merick Vincent, sniffing at my perfume. They both jumped as I shrieked.

"Oh there you are! We were waiting here patiently. Oh and your mom is such a good cook. So anyways, about this book you have... I don't understand why this creeper Edward is so great. I could totally take him..." chattered Riley, like all was normal. I glared at him.

"You scared the crap out of me!! Why are you guys here?!" I yelled, my hand on my heart.

"To see you of course," said Merick. I stared at them. Riley looked the like he always had, same stupid grin. But Merick changed. He looked like he had been through hell. Bags were under his eyes and I could have sworn he had more wrinkles. Merick just looked and seemed much older. I felt like a kid next to him.

"Well... What do you want?" I questioned rudely. I didn't mean to, but seeing these boys brought back so many memories. And pain.

"We're taking you back. Duh," stated Riley. My eyes widened.

"Thanks but I'm perfectly fine here!" I argued. Merick stared darkly at me.

"It's hard, isn't it? Keeping all that power of yours a secret. Wanting to use it. Wanting to show it off. To experience the feel of it. It's like you're keeping half of you a secret. What runs through your own vains. You turned your backs on us, Emma. Now it's time to come back where you belong," Merick said. Every word he said stung. I could easily deny it, but I knew he was right.

"I don't want to go back," I lied softly. Both boys stared at me.

"Well that's too bad," Riley said, throwing my book down and standing up. They both towered over me. I crossed my arms and glared at them.

Suddenly, Merick picked me up bridal style. I gasped and started squirming. Riley opened the door for us.

"Bye sweetheart! I'll send your stuff right away!" called out my mom from the kitchen. I began to curse and yell.

Riley kicked open the front door and I was forced into Merick's car. Riley buckeld my seat belt and kissed my head, smirking.

"NO! I HATE YOU GUYS! I'M NOT GOING!" I screamed. I saw them roll there eyes at me.

"Better put the child lock's on. This is going to be a long ride back...." murmured Riley

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