Chapter 5- theres a ball??

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After detention last night i couldn't sleep.
My thoughts:
Is y/n my soulmate?, i mean I kinda like her but theres no way she likes s jerk like me.

I woke up the next day joyfull for the day when i remembered about how i will d-die at 15

I tried to shrug it off and walked to charms

Its dinner and you headed to the hall

Mrs McGonagall stands up and clears her throat

"Good evening ravenclaw, slytherin, hufflepuff and griffindor i have a special you all know its almost Christmas and we have decided the yule ball is attending this year!"

All the girls look at eachother excited for the boys to ask them whilst u just sat there in silence

"So boys man up and ask your beloved girl to the ball!" she finishes off

All the girls squeal and look at the boys

You just sat there sad because no one would ever ask you so you would have to third wheel

Your looking round the room when u see malfoy and pansy talking

(You hate pansey bc she killed your last boyfriend)

You get upset and storm out

Hermonie rushes after you

"What ever in the world is wrong y/n!"

You whimper "absolutely no boy would want to go to the ball with me so im gonna have to go alone!"

"Thats not true! Plus ron hasnt got a date take him as besties!!"she exclaims

"Alright!" you squeal

You run down the halls and see ron

"Blimy hell im single for the first ball in years"he says

"RON!!" you shout
"Ron ron ron! Go to the ball with me as besties i promise i will make it worth it"you say out of breath

"Yes ofc y/n"

"Yayy"you squeeze the living day out of ron and leave on ur heel

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